Svetla  Boytcheva


1999-2002 Ph.D. student in Artificial Intelligence (ABD stage)
1994 M.Sc. in Mathematics; Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics, Sofia University, Bulgaria
1994 graduation in Teacher of Mathematics, Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics, Sofia University, Bulgaria

1995-now Teaching assistant of Computer Science at Department of Information Technologies, Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics, Sofia University
1991-1995 computer programmer at Educational Computer Systems Laboratory, Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics, Sofia University
1989 (3 months) computer programmer at Institute of Ship Hydrodynamics - Varna, Bulgaria

Teaching experience:

Personal data:

  Languages: Bulgarian, English and Russian.
  Maiden name: Yalamova

Fields of research:
Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing, Computers in Education


International Experience:
1993 (August) - Summer Workshop on Computer Aided University Mathematics Instructions, Athens, Workshop supported by Erasmus Program ICP-92-G-1031/11 and by TEMPUS Program JEP 1980-92/2, organised by Athens University, Greece
1999 (July)- Department of Language Engineering, Centre of Computational Linguistic, UMIST, Manchester, UK.

Research Projects:


  1. Strupchanska A., Yankova M. and S. Boytcheva, Conceptual Graphs Self-Tutoring System, In Proc. of ICCS-2003, 11th International Conference of Conceptual Structures, LNAI, Springer, 21-25 July, Dresden, Germany, 2003 (accepted, to appear)
  2. Yanakova M., S. Boytcheva, Focusing on Scenario Recognition in Information Extraction, In Proc. of EACL-2003, 11th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics, Budapest, Hungary, pp.41-48, 2003
  3. Boytcheva, Sv., Z. Markov, An Algorithm for inducing least generalization under relative implication, In Proc. of 15th International conference FLAIRS (Florida Artificial Intelligence Research Society), AAAI Press, 13-16 May 2002, Pensacola, Florida, USA, pp. 322-326, 2002
  4. Boytcheva, Sv., A. Strupchanska and G. Angelova, Processing Negation in NL Interfaces to Knowledge Bases, Proc. of ICCS-2002, 10th International Conference of Conceptual Structures, 14-19 July, Bulgaria, Published by Springer in LNAI 2393, pp. 137-150,  2002
  5. Angelova G., S. Boytcheva, O. Kalaydjiev, S. Trausan-Matu, P. Nakov and A. Strupchanska, Adaptivity in Web-Based CALL, Proc. of European Conference on Artificial intelligence (ECAI – 2002), 21-26 July 2002, Lyon, France, pp. 445-449, 2002
  6. Boytcheva, Sv., ILP Techniques for Free-text Input Processing, In Proc. of AIMSA,10th International Conference Artificial intelligence: Methodology, Systems and Applications, LNAI 2443 Springer, pp. 101-110, 2002
  7. Boytcheva Sv. Overview of ILP Systems, Journal "Cybernetics and Information Technologies", vol. 1, 2002
  8. Boytcheva, Sv., P.Dobrev, G. Angelova, CGExtract: Towards Extraction of Conceptual Graphs from Controlled English, Contributions to  ICCS-2001, 9th International Conference of Conceptual Structures, Stanford University Press, California, USA, pp. 89-116, 2001
  9. Boytcheva, Sv., O. Kalaydjiev, A. Strupchanska, G. Angelova, Between Language Correctness and Domain Knowledge in CALL, Proc. of RANLP-2001, Euroconference Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing, Bulgaria, pp. 40-46, 2001
  10. Angelova, G., A. Nenkova, S. Boycheva and T. Nikolov, Conceptual Graphs as a Knowledge Representation Core in a Complex Language Learning Environment, Proc. ICCS-2000, 8th International Conference of Conceptual Structures, Darmstadt, Germany, August 2000, Shaker Verlag, pp. 45-58, 2000.
  11. Boytcheva S., Least Generalization under Relative Implication, Proc. AIMSA-2000, 9th International Conference Artificial intelligence: Methodology, Systems and Applications, Varna, Bulgaria, September 2000, LNAI 1904, Springer, pp.58-69, 2000
  12. Boytcheva, Sv., O. Kalaydjiev, A. Nenkova and G. Angelova, Integration of Resources and Components in a Knowledge-Based Web-environment for Terminology Learning, Proc. AIMSA-2000, 9th International Conference Artificial intelligence: Methodology, Systems and Applications, Varna, Bulgaria, September 2000, LNAI 1904, Springer, pp. 210-220, 2000
  13. Boytcheva Sv. and A. Nenkova. Analysis of learner's utterances in STyLE. Proceedings of WITREC-2000 (Web Information Technologies: Research, Education and Commerce), Montpellier, France, pp. 233-234, 2000.
  14. Sendov, Boj. S. Boytcheva, GEOMLAND - Computer Laboratory for Mathematical Explorations, TEMPUS-JEP-07272-94, (180 pp.), 1996 (in Bulgarian)
  15. Yalamova, S. Geometric Explorations in GEOMLAND, Proceedings of EUROLOGO'95,  pp. 13-15 , 1995
  16. Yalamova, S., Boj. Sendov, GEOMLAND - Informatics for HeART'S-Sake – Journal "Mathematics and Informatics" Vol. 1, 1995, pp. 17-23 ( in Bulgarian)
  17. Yalamova, S., Boj. Sendov, GEOMLAND - Informatics for HeART'S-Sake - Proceedings of the UNESCO workshop "Informatics in Secondary School- Today and Tomorrow", Bankya, Bulgaria, 99-109, 1994
  18. Yalamova, S. Visual Modelling Through Geometric Explorations, Catalogue of the International Forum "Computer Space '94", Sofia, Bulgaria, 1994.
  19. Yalamova, S. Does the Solving a Problem Ends with Finding its Solution, Second Congress of the World Federation of the National Mathematics Competitions, 23-28 July 1994, Pravetz, Bulgaria.

Contact information:
Svetla Boytcheva
Department of Information Technologies
Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics
Sofia University
5 James Baurchier Blvd.

Room 222,
Phone:(+359-2)  6-256-512
