Sequence control refers to user actions and computer logic that initiate, interrupt, or terminate transactions. It governs the transactions from one transaction to the next. General design objectives include consistency of control action, minimized need for control actions, minimized memory load on the user, with flexibility of sequence control to adapt to different user needs.
Dialogue types for sequence control must be designed to match the needs of different tasks and different users.


Menu selection permits you to specify control entries by pointing at displayed options or keying associated codes. The good menu indicates the current position in a hierarchic menu structure. The bad menu shows an alternative design for the same functions. This menu lacks hierarchic structure, and doesn't distinguish between control actions and options that select further menus.
1. Menu Selection

You have to consider menu selection for tasks that involve choice among a constrained set of alternative action, which require little entry of arbitrary data. There users may have little training, and  the advantage is that there computer response is relatively fast.
Menu selection is good for untrained users. Menus can be used in conjunction with other dialogue types, dpending upon  task requirements. There are times when a menu selection might be clarified by a supplementary guestion-and-answer dialogue.

2. Single Selection Per Menu

Use this when users have to make only one choice. Each menu display should permit only one selection. This is very good for novice users, because on the ohter way, they will be confused. For example, if they have to choose one from column A, one from B, etc.

3. Single-Column List Format

When multiple menu options are displayed in a list, then format the list as a single column.
There are some exceptions. One of them could be made for hierarchic menus, where a high-level menu might be shown in the left column of a display, accompanied by a lower-level menu in the right column whose options change to reflect whatever selection is currently made from the high-level menu.

4. Menu Selection by Pointing

Use that when menu selection is the primary means of sequence control, and especially if choice must be made from extensive list of display control options, permit option selection by direct pointing. This guarantees good display-control compatibility, because users do not have to note associated opition codes and enter them by key actions.

5. Large Pointing Area for Option Selection

If menu selection is accomplished by pointing, as on touch display, design the acceptable area for pointing to be as large as consistently possible, including at least the area of the displayed option lable plus a half - character distance around that label. By this way, the  risk if error in selecting a wrong option by mistake is less.

6. Dual Activation for Pointing

If menu selection is accomplished by pointing, provide for dual activation, in which the first action positions a cursor at the selected option, followed by a separate second action that makes an explicit control entry.
For example, on a touch display, the computer might display a separate ENTER box that can be touched by a user to indicate that the cursor has been properly positioned.
This recommendation for dual activation of pointing assumes that  accuracy in selection of control entries is important than speed; but  in some applications that may not be true. Interface design will involve a trade-off considering the criticality of wrong entries, ease of recovery from wrong entries, and user convenience in making selections.

7. Menu Selection by Keyed Entry  

This is when menu selection is a secondary means of control entry, and/or only short option lists are needed, then we hane to consider accomplishing slection by keyed entry. An option might be selected by keying an associated code which is included in the displayed menu listing. If menu lables can be displayed near a screen margin, then an option might be selected by pressing an adjacent multifunction key.

8. Standard Area for Code Entry

If menu selection is accomplished by code entry, provide a standart command entry area where users enter the selected code; you have to place that area in a fixed location on all displays.
Exerienced users might key coded menu selections in standard area identified only by its consistent location and use. If the system is designed primarily for novice users, that entry area should be given an appropriate lable. For example:
ENTER choice here:   ____

9. Feedback for Menu Selectoin

When a user  has selected and entered a control option from menu, then the computer should display some other acknowledgment of that entry, if there is no immediately observable natural response.

10. Explanatory  Title for Menu

Display an explanatory title for each menu, reflecting the nature of the choice to be made
r=Responsible r=Responsible 
a=Assigned a=Assigned
p=Performing p=Performing

11. Menu Options Worded as Commands

The wording of menu options should consistently represent commands to the computer, rather than questions to the user. Wording options as commands will permit logical selection by pointing, will facilitate the design of mnemonic codesfor keyed entry, and will help users learn commands in systems where commands can be used to bypass menus. Wording options as questions implies initiative by computer.
p = Print
Print? (Y/N)

12. Options Wording Consistent with Command Language

This is when menu selection is used in conjunction with or as an alternative to command language, design the wording and syntactic organization of displayed menu options to correspond consistently to defined elements and structure of the command language. This practice will speed the transition for a novice user, relying initially on sequential menu selection, to become an experienced user composing coherent commands without such aid.

13. Letter Codes for Menu Selection

If menu selections are made by keyed codes, design each code to be the initial letter or letter of the displayed
m = Male 
1 = Male
f = Female
2 = Female

14. Consistent Coding of Menu Options

Use letters, which codes are used for menu selection, consistently in designating options from one transanction to another.
The same action should not be given different names and hence different codes at different place in a transaction sequence.

15. Standart Symbol for Prompting Entry

To indicate that an entry is required you have to choose a standard symbol and then to reserve that symbol only for the purpose.
ENTER organization type:
ENTER organization type

16. Explicit Option Display

If an extensive menu must be added to a working data display, you have to provide that menu as a separate window that can temporarily overlay display data at user request, but there is a chance to be omitted again by further user action.
When control entries for any particular transaction will be selected from a small set of options, show those options in a menu added to the working display, rather than requiring a user to remember them or to access a separate menu display.

17. Complete Display of Menu Options

You must design a menu to display all options appropriate to any particular transaction.                   

18.  Menu Options Dependent on Context

Design a menu to display to display only those options that are actually available in the current context for a particular user. If a user selects a displayed option, and is then told that option is not actually available , users may become uncertain and confused about sequence control.

19. Consistent Display of Menu Option

If menus are provided in different displays, then you have to design them so that option lists are consistent in wording and ordering.

20. Menu Distinct from Other Displayed Information

When menu options are included in a display that is intended also for data review and/or data entry, ensure that they are distinct from other displayed information. You must locate menu options consistently in the display and incorporate some consistent distinguishing feature to indicate their srecial function.

21. Logical Ordering of Menu Options

It is better to list menu options in a logical order. If no logical structure is apparent, then you can display the options in order of their expected frequency of use; start with the most frequent listed first.
i = Initiate  track
d = Delete track
m = Move track
i = Initiate track
d = Delete track
m = Move track

22. Logical Grouping of Menu Options

Format a menu to indicate logically related groups of options, rather than as an undifferentiated string og alternatives.
Logical drouping of menu options will help users learn system capabilities.

23. Logical Ordering of Grouped Options

If menu options are grouped in logical subunits, you must display those groups in a logical order. But if there is no  obvious logical strucrure, then you must display the groups in the order of their expected frequency of use.

24. Labeling Grouped Options 

If menu options are grouped in logical subunits, you must give each droup a descriptive label that is distinctive in format from the option labels themselves.

25. Hierarchic Menus for Sequential Selection

When menu selection must be made from a long list, and not all options can be displayed at once, you have to provide a hierarchic sequence of menu selection rather than one long multipage menu.

26. General Menu

You hane to provide a general menu of basic options as the top level in hierarchic mneu structure, a "home base" to which a user can always return as a consistent starting point for control entries. When you want to returen to the general menu, it could be made with an OPTIONS function key, or by a generally available implicit option.

27. Minimal Steps in Sequential Menu Selection

If users must step trough a sequence of menus to make a selection, you have to design the hierarchic menu structure to minimize the number of steps required; but not at the expense of display crowding.

28. Easy Selection of Important Options

When hierarchic menus will be used, you must design their structure to permit immediate user access to critical or frequently selected options. For a critical action, some sort of "panic" option might be include in every menu display. For frequent actions may be used some special menu display which will be as a supplementary shortcut to the design menu hierarchy.

29. Automatic Cursor Placement

This refers to the menus not included with data displays. When menu selection is by pointing the computer should place the cursor automatically at the first listed option; when menu selection is by code entry, you must place the cursor in the command entry area.

30. Indicating Current Position in Menu Structure

When the hierarchic menus are used, you have to display to the user some indication of current position in the menu structure.

31. Control Options Distinct from Menu Branching

You have to format the display of hierarchic menus so that options which actually accomplish control entries can be distinguished from options which merely branch to other menu frames.

32. Consistent Design of Hierarchic Menus

When hierarchic menus are used, you have to ensure that display format and selection logic are consistent at every level.

33. Return to High-Level Menus

When hierarchic menus are used, it is required to take only one simple key action to return to the next higher level.
This action could be considered  analogous to the BACKUP option proposed as an interruped for sequence control.

34. Return to General Menu

When hierarchic menus are used,it is required to users to take only one simple key action to return to  the general menu at the top level.This action could be considered analogous to the REVIEW options proposed as an interruped for sequence control.

35. By-Passing Menu Selection with Command Entry

This allows experienced users to by-pass series of menu selections and make an equivelent command entry directly.
If a command by-passes only a portion of the complete menu sequence, and does not yet specify a complete control entry, then you have to display the appropriate next menu to guide completion of the control enrty.

36. Stacking Menu Selections

For menu selection by code entry, when series of selections can be anticipate before the menus are displayed,you must permit a user to combine those selections into a single "stacked" entry .
If it is necessary, stacked sequential enries might be separated by some character;for instance: space, slash, comma or semicolon. Computer interpatation of an unpunctuated string will require letter codes or fixed-digit number codes fofr option selection.