
Call for Papers 

Form of Intent

Program Committee

Program and Topics

Fees and Accommodation

About Bulgaria


Bulgaria, June 9-13, 1998
      Form of intent 

 (..) Please put me on the IT&P'98 mailing list 
 (..) I intend to participate in the Conference 
 (..) I intend to submit a paper to the Conference and present it 
 Preliminary title: 
 Please send me information about: 

 Please send this form as well as any inquires about the conference by mail, fax or e-mail to: 
 P. Barnev 
 Programme Committee Chair IT&P'98 
 Institute of Mathematics and Informatics 
 Acad. G. Bonchev St., block 8 
 Sofia 1113 
 Tel: +359-2-713-3818, or +359-2-713-3813 
 Fax: +359-2-739808 
 E-mail: barnev@bgearn.acad.bg