
Mission of the technology platform

The Bulgarian technology platform for software and services is connected with the European platform NESSI and is an open space for sharing knowledge, strategies and exploring potential in the quick development of an internationally competitive and break-through branch. We will try to influence on bigger connectivity and global access of e-services and a faster introduction of research knowledge and new technology for business and personal use.

The technology platform for software and services connects all the players in the field of software in Bulgaria. As an open net system we wish to speed up the formation and expansion of knowledge, to support the introduction of new technology for business and personal use and with these actions increase the competitiveness of the branch and the whole economy and industry with the following features:

  • globalization and technology innovation,
  • open source standards,
  • a focus on the user,
  • context dependant behavior,
  • privacy,
  • adjustable technology (a cross between programming and composing),
  • user focused engineering,
  • multidisciplinary (smaller companies are easily included in specific segments - service orientation),
  • influence on the 7th frame program competition.

Goals: What will our activities be in 2020?

Scenario A: Time and trust is gold

  • infrastructure:
    • Connected service infrastructure / on demand,
    • Net architecture / differences between specific modules will be erased, only services will be visible,
    • Infrastructure is mastered by big players only,
    • Developments based on open standards, enabling interoperability.
  • Semantics - growing importance:
    • Union and search of information and services, based on their meaning,
    • Available tools for "knowledge management".
  • Accessibility (Remains in the infrastructure),
  • Using or selling services by the model push,
  • User challenges:
    • User without knowledge and skills: all needed can be received by a suitable provider on the united infrastructure,
    • Intelligent user configures modules and services according to his needs (customization, personalization).
  • New business models:
    • Step from products into services,
    • Time gains importance,
    • Trust gains importance (trust nets),
    • Border between offer and demand will be erased.
  • Challenge of intellectual property - Inputs will be returned indirectly (for example there will be no direct pay for the product).

Scenario B:

  • General programmability of devices and services is available to every user,
  • Device and system connectivity, based on standards; a unified interface,
  • Electronic documents will prevail and take the role of the original; paper will only be used for copies,
  • Big challenges for the software view (many applications and services will have to be supported by software),
  • Distributed applications and globally approachable services,
  • Discussion: a dilemma about "unschooled" users.

Scenario C: Service management

  • Service orientation,
  • Question of relationship between big and small players - big ones will not be exposed,
  • Semantic links,
  • Increased exchangeability of services - occurrence of service evaluation possibility,
  • Ensuring same conditions for all players.

Scenario D: Specialization and openness

  • Concentration of basic components manufacturing,
  • Most services will be digital by the year 2020 (for example E-government) and most services will be accessible from home,
  • Exchange of a human source with an intelligent solution (which enable user to recognize the application and to fully use it); Only when user demands exceed offered solutions, the human-specialist is included,
  • The Moor law - development of quantum computers,
  • Development of software is slower the hardware development,
  • Semantic web, "completely informed",
  • Complete market globalization, which enables large sales