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Project summary

National Contact Points (NCPs) play a crucial role in the Framework Programme as providers of information and assistance to potential participants (applicants) of new projects and contractors in on-going projects. They reach out to the European research community in order to inform and raise awareness about the funding opportunities of the Framework Programme, to advise and assist potential applicants in the preparation, submission and follow-up of grant applications, and to offer support during the execution of projects – especially with respect to the management and administrative aspects of projects.

Due to its closeness to the European research community, the European Commission perceives the NCP Network as an important instrument for gathering feedback on possible problems and difficulties in the implementation of the Framework Programme. One of the great strengths of the NCP system is its national orientation and ability to provide support to applicants in their own native language. On the other hand, this national orientation poses certain problems. The decentralised system – organised and financed nationally – has led to the development of a collection of heterogeneous structures.

The project PeopleNetwork aims at the development and implementation of a coordination mechanism for stimulating closer cooperation among NCPs for the PEOPLE programme in the Seventh Framework Programme. PeopleNetwork will facilitate the improvement of the overall quality of NCP services across Europe in the area of mobility and increase the transparency of EU fellowships and training opportunities to ensure equal access for all.

Contact us

National Mobilty Center
e-mail: mobility@fmi.uni-sofia.bg
tel.: +359 2 71 35 09
fax.: +359 2 71 35 43
