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Project Objectives

The main goal of U*NIGHT project is to raise the public recognition of researchers and their profession and to encourage young people in Bulgaria to embark on a technology and scientific careers. In the framework of the European strategy towards knowledge-based economy, the project focuses on the need for increasing the number of researchers in Europe and to foster the interest of the society and the youth, in particular, to the knowledge professions and scientific work.

For achieving the main goal, the following project objectives are defined:

•  to improve the appreciation of researchers as professionals and personalities by the general public and by young people, in particular;

•  to raise the public understanding of the contribution of researchers to social and economic progress and development;

•  to make technology and science and the respective careers attractive for young people.

In order to meet the stated objectives and to attract a wider Bulgarian audience, the U*NIGHT project will be conducted by using a well targeted communication strategy with national and regional coverage. It will try to convey two important messages: ‘Researchers are ‘normal people' having their own passions, hobbies and talents' and ‘Europeans should be proud of their scientific traditions'. The project will be focused on first place on young people – children and students, and secondly – on their parents and the public at large.

The project activities will take place on a public holiday in Bulgaria – the Independence day . At this festive evening the project will provide various opportunities to Bulgarians to celebrate with researchers. With the support of the Union of Scientists in Bulgaria (USB) and the Union of Physics in Bulgaria (UPB) the project activities in 4 Bulgarian cities – Sofia, Rousse, Varna and Stara Zagora, and 5 Universities will expose to the public the researchers from two very important in our age scientific areas – Technology and Physics .

The project will concentrate on the following activities:

•  Party at university – will be carried out on 22 September in Rousse, Varna, Stara Zagora and Sofia – at three locations.

•  Children fun with researchers – will be targeted at kids and their parents and will take place in different format in Sofia, Rousse, Varna and Stara Zagora on 22 September.

•  Technology and scientific achievements – will include exhibitions on technology and scientific achievements in Sofia, Rousse, Varna and Stara Zagora, and projection of scientific films.

•  Cafe scientific – will provide opportunity of industrialists and researchers to discuss with the participants on scientific and technology topics in university premises in Sofia, Stara Zagora and Varna

•  Guided visits in universities and museums – 2 museums in Sofia and some partners' universities will provide access to their scientific facilities for external visitors on 22 September.


For the fulfilment of the project objectives will contribute also the involvement of the Universities in Sofia, Rousse, Varna and Stara Zagora, which as members of the Bulgarian Network of Research Mobility Centers have gained experience in a FP6 project within the 2005 ‘Researchers in Europe' Initiative. This network is being established as Bulgarian part of the ERA-MORE – the European Network of Mobility Centres in the framework of the EC Mobility Strategy.






Contact us

National Mobilty Center
e-mail: mobility@fmi.uni-sofia.bg
tel.: +359 2 9713509
fax.: +359 2 9713543