To obtain the main results of the project viz. 1. the direct connection to Eurorean telematics networks and Internet, 2. the developed FDL model, and courses for teachers training on CIT and English language that are based on the above model, 3. educational tools and courseware for supporting the courses on CIT anf English language we shall use the proper methodologies and software tools.

To create the direct connection to Eurorean telematics networks and Internet we shall investigate several techniques for connection to provider (dial-up , Ethernet, SLIP and PPP) to choose more appropriate one for every participant of the project. We shall use also standard Internet software (telnet, ftp, gopher, WWW) to access information.

For developing the FDL model we shall use cognitive science techniques and didactic problem solving approach. To evaluate effeciency of the courses we shall use standard techniques for psychological experimenting and the SPSS statistical package for processing data.

To produce educational tools and courseware we shall use modern software development methodologies: object-oriented design, client-server approach, OLE mechanism. We plan to use extensively multi- and hypermedia means for creating courseware.

INTERNET (Sofia, Kaunas, Kiev) I1-I4. Establish a guide-lines, support materials and publicity for the use for the telematics network, including Internet communications, hardware, software and information issues as well as the rights and responsibilities of the participants. (I1:1.95-9.95 draft; I2: 10.95-9.96 revised; I3:10.96-9.97 wide test; I4: 10.97-12.97 publication).

FDL Model (all participants) F1-F2. Collaboratively develop a pedagogy for telecomputing and flexible distance learning (the FDL model) as a base for creating courses and courware.(F1: 3.95-9.95 draft; F2:10.95-3.96 revised).

CIT and English Courses (C1-C4: Twente, Kiev, Sofia, E1-E4: Exeter, Kaunas, Kiev). C1-E1. Courses design and implementation. (10.95-4.96) C2-E2. Courses delivery (pilot experiments) (5.96-8.96) C3-E3. Courses refinement and improvement (9.96-3.97) C4-E4. Courses dissemination (4.97-12.97)

Databases (all participants). D1. Create databases of information: a) contact and addresses, b) support services, c) catalogue of resources across the institutions, d) copyright free work-sheets and other materials for teachers to use and adapt in their teaching, e) software valuable to CIT, TEFL and telematics (4.95-4.97).

Software for CIT and CALL (CIT: Kiev, Sofia; CALL: Exeter, Kiev). S1: Software design and implementation (3.95-4.96). S2: Software testing. (5.96-7.96) S3: Software refinement and improving. (8.96-3.97) S4: Software dissemination. (4.97-12.97)

Organization (Twente). O1. Raise awareness of the possibilities for collaboration between centres in the collaborating institutions with the teachers and researchers within the units. Establish needs and interests of the collaborators. (1.95-6.95)

O2-O4. Establish a discussion group for the collaborators, first within the 5 collaborating institutions research teams (O2: 2.95-4.95), then the wider group within each collaborating institution (O3: 5.95-4.96) and then with other institutions in those countries (O4: 5.96-12.97)

Meetings (all participants) M1. Summarize needs and interests of the collaborators. (Kiev, 6.95) M2. Come to agreement on courses contents. Preparing for pilot experiments. (Kaunas, 3.96) M3. Summarize the results of pilot experiments. Work out propositions for courses improvement. (Sofia, 11.96) M4. Work out courses dissemination strategies. (Exeter, 5.97) M5. Preparing the final report and publications. (Twente,10.97)