Master of Science Programme
X1. Formal methods in AI
Lecturers: Tinko Tinchev, Dimiter Vakarelov
Study Hours: 4+0
The topics selected in this course and their organization conform to the idea to demonstrate the advantages of integrating the language of logic with AI.
The exercises are selected with the aim of more practical work on the language of first order predicate calculus especially on the deductive methods presented in the course.
The main goal of the lectures is to give a general view of the field of computational linguistics, within 30 academic hours. Areas like e.g. Machine translation and Text corpora are briefly mentioned. Some other fields will be considered in more detail: the students will be introduced to the basic language structures and methods for their processing. The main topics include: morphology, in classificational and two-level models, with emphasis on Bulgarian morphology; syntax and unification formalisms; natural language generation.
The main goal of the seminars is to give the students a practical view on the problems of computer morphology, syntax and NL generation. A computer morphology of Bulgarian will be considered, as well as a HPSG-based parser of simple Bulgarian sentences. The system DB-MAT for generation of NL explanations (see http://www.informatik.uni-hamburg.de/NATS/projects/db-mat.html) will be used as a framework for practical exercises in NL Generation and lexicons of NLP systems. The basic programming language to be used during the seminars is Prolog.
L1. AI Programing in Prolog
Lecturers: Svetla Boycheva
Study Hours: 1+0+5
L2. Programming on Internet
Lecturers: Sergei Varbanov
Study Hours: 1+0+5The course is a basic introduction to HTML and Java Script aplications building.
Z1.Machine Learning
Lecturers: Svetla Boycheva
Study Hours: 2+0+2
The description of the material uses some fundamental notions of First Order Logic and Logic Programming (Predicate calculus, Resolution etc.), which are common for any AI course. The exercises are based mainly on Prolog. Therefore a general AI course and a Prolog programming course are necessary to be taken before attending the ML course.
The exercises are based on programming ML techniques in Prolog and implementing some simple ML algorithms. Several ready-to-use ML systems are provided within Prolog framework, such as ID3, COBWEB and FOIL. They are used for experiments and for further elaboration in advanced projects.
Z2. Graphical Image Recognition - methods, algorithms, tools
Lecturers: Dimo Dimov
Study Hours: 2+0+2
The course objectives are to represent general methods, algorithms and tools for a DA system development.
Main topics:
1. Image processing and pattern recognition. Basic notions and problems.
Recognition of 2d images. Document analysis
2. Tools for image input/output. Computer graphics and image analysis
duality. Graphic file formats
3. Digitalization. Fourier transform. Shannon’s theorem. Raster and
vector representations.
4. Image enhancement. Linear and nonlinear filters. Segmentation.
5. Feature selection from grey-scale images. Finding the contours.
Skeletonization, thinning, vectorization.
6. Registration of specific graphical elements in images. Hough transform
for line segments. Generalized Hough transform.
7. Feature selection for classification. Linear feature spaces. Kahrunen-Loeve
8. Image transforms. Pyramids. Wave transform.
9. Elastic matching of graphical images. Template – image correlation.
10. Stochastic methods for recognition and classification. Bayes theory.
Supervised and unsupervised learning, parametric and nonparametric approach.
11. Building classifiers by neural networks. Nonlinear multilayer perceptron.
Associative Hopfield memory.
12. Structural and syntactical methods for graphics and text recognition.
Using formal languages and grammars for 2d image description.
13. Graphics recognition by approximate string matching. Recognition
improvement through a template dictionary.
14. Image data bases. Data bases for document analysis. Methods for
efficient access.
15. Information technology for graphics and text recognition. The recognition
process can be considered as a program system with feedbacks.
1. D. Ballard, C. Brown, "Computer vision", Prentice hall inc., NY ,
2. G. A. Baxes, "Digital image processing – principles and applications,
J. Wiley Sons, NY 1994.
3. Fundamentals in handwriting recognition, In S. Impedovo (ed.), NATO
ASI Series F, vol.124, Springer-Verlag, Berlin 1994.
4. T. Masters, "Signal and image processing with neural networks (a
C++ source book), J. Wiley Sons, NY 1994.
5. Progress in handwriting recognition, A.C.Downtown and S. Impedovo
(eds.) , World scientific, 1997.
6. Optical character recognition, Proceedings of the IEEE, T. Pavlidis
and S.Mori (eds.), 80(7), July 1992.
The course is aimed at computer science students at postgraduate level (M.Sc.). It is intended to provide the students with the background knowledge in the field of case-based reasoning (CBR) - a new paradigm for combining problem-solving and learning. The different aspects of case-based reasoning process will be illustrated by examples of CBR systems which use past experience to solve problems in different problem domains. Some basic Instance-Based (IBL) and Exemplar-Based Learning algorithms which are frequently used for implementing CBR systems will be also described.
The students will have a possibility to run Prolog and LISP implementations of simplified versions of some CBR systems described in the course as well as to experiment with the presented basic IBL and EBL algorithms.
Z5. Principles of Knowledge-Based Systems (second year)
Lecturers: Maria Nisheva
Study Hours: 2+0+2
Basic Program of the Course:
1.Basic notions and types of knowledge in KBS, Principles
of KBS Architecture.
2.Analysis of popular formalisms and languages for knowledge
representation and processing. Dealing with uncertainties. Keeping
the robustness
3.Models for knowledge representation in the systems for
classification, diagnosis and problem solving.
4.Problem solving by analogy.
5.Getting knowledge in KBS. Generation of explanations.
6.Instrumental tools for creating KBS.
1.Brachman, R., H. Levesque (Eds.). Readings in Knowledge
Representation. Morgan Kaufmann, 1985.
2.Forgy, C. RETE - A Fast Algorithm for the Many Pattern/Many
Object Pattern Match Problem. Artificial Intelligence, No. 19, 1982,
pp. 17-37.
3.Jackson, P. Introduction to Expert Systems (2nd ed.).
Addison-Wesley, 1990.
4.Michalski, R., J. Carbonell, T. Mitchell (Eds.). Machine
Learning. Tioga, CA, 1983.
5.Michalski, R., J. Carbonell, T. Mitchell (Eds.). Machine
Learning, Vol. 2. Morgan Kaufmann, 1986.
6.Rich, E., K. Knight. Artificial Intelligence (2nd ed.).
McGraw-Hill, 1991.
7.Sowa, J. (Ed.). Principles of Semantic Networks: Explorations
in the Representation of Knowledge. Morgan Kaufmann, 1991.
8.Stefik, M. Introduction to Knowledge Systems. Morgan
Kaufmann, 1995.
Z6. Neurual Networks (second year)
Lecturers: Sergei Varbanov
Study Hours: 2+0+2
Z7. Motion Planning in Cluttered Environment (second year)
Lecturers: Antony Popov
Study Hours: 2+0+2This lecture course considers the problems of off-line and on-line motion planning in cluttered environment with static and dynamic obstacles. The problem of planning the co-operative actions of multiple moving agents is considered as well. Specific techniques and algorithms from computational geometry are introduced for modelling the working environment and for establishing simple criteria for collision detection. As applications, the following problems are discussed:
- Some basic notions: 3D geometric modelling by primitives, configuration space, hidden elements removal, Gilbert’ s algorithm for distance calculation.
- The abstract robot as a generalization of any moving agent.
- Collision -free motion planning of robot manipulators.
- Planning the co-operative actions of two moving objects in the presence of static obstacles.
- Distribution of the access to a common data base in a multi-user system.
- Planning the trajectory of a sensor-guided mobile robot.Practical workshops using simulation software such as TRUCKWORLD are provided. Some analogs between 3D computer graphics and workspace modelling, for instabce Binary Space Partitions (BSP), painter’s algorithm. Some preliminary knowledge from the kinematics of a rigid body will be discussed, like Denavit- Hartenberg formalism, which is useful also for 3D graphics and computer animation.
1. K. Fujimura, Motion planning in dynamic environment, Springer-Verlag, Tokyo, 1991
2. P. H. Winston, Artificial intelligence (3ed.), Addison-Wessley, 1992
3. J.C. Latombe, Robot motion planning, Kluwer, Norwell-MA, 1991
Z8. Declarative Languages for Knowledge Representation (second year)
Lecturers: Kiril Simov
Study Hours: 2+0+2