Master of Science Programme


Course Annotations

X1. Formal methods in AI
Lecturers: Tinko Tinchev, Dimiter Vakarelov
Study Hours: 4+0

L1. AI Programing in Prolog
Lecturers: Svetla Boycheva
Study Hours: 1+0+5

L2. Programming on Internet
Lecturers: Sergei Varbanov
Study Hours: 1+0+5

The course is a basic introduction to HTML and Java Script aplications building.

Z1.Machine Learning
Lecturers: Svetla Boycheva
Study Hours: 2+0+2

Z2. Graphical Image Recognition - methods, algorithms, tools
Lecturers: Dimo Dimov
Study Hours: 2+0+2

Z5. Principles of Knowledge-Based Systems (second year)
Lecturers: Maria Nisheva
Study Hours: 2+0+2

Z6. Neurual Networks (second year)
Lecturers: Sergei Varbanov
Study Hours: 2+0+2

Z7. Motion Planning in Cluttered Environment (second year)
Lecturers: Antony Popov
Study Hours: 2+0+2

     This lecture course considers the problems of off-line and on-line motion planning in cluttered  environment with static and dynamic obstacles. The problem of planning the co-operative actions of  multiple moving agents is considered as well. Specific techniques and algorithms from computational   geometry are introduced for modelling the working environment and for establishing simple criteria  for collision detection.  As applications,     the following problems are discussed:
     - Some basic notions: 3D geometric modelling by primitives, configuration space, hidden elements removal,  Gilbert’ s algorithm for distance calculation.
    - The abstract robot as a generalization of any moving agent.
    - Collision -free motion planning of robot manipulators.
    - Planning the co-operative actions of two moving objects  in the presence of static   obstacles.
    - Distribution of the access to a common data base in a multi-user system.
    - Planning the trajectory of a sensor-guided mobile robot.

     Practical workshops using simulation software such as TRUCKWORLD are provided. Some analogs between 3D computer  graphics and workspace modelling, for instabce Binary Space Partitions (BSP), painter’s algorithm. Some preliminary knowledge from the kinematics of a rigid body will be discussed, like Denavit- Hartenberg formalism, which is useful also for 3D graphics and computer animation.


1. K. Fujimura, Motion planning in dynamic environment, Springer-Verlag,  Tokyo, 1991
2. P. H. Winston, Artificial intelligence (3ed.), Addison-Wessley, 1992
3. J.C. Latombe, Robot motion planning, Kluwer, Norwell-MA, 1991

Z8. Declarative Languages for Knowledge Representation (second year)
Lecturers: Kiril Simov
Study Hours: 2+0+2