Project MATCh 960106
Screencards |
Game World: "Save the Animals"
Festival Land |
Living storybooks:
"Peter and the Wolf" |
Brief overview
of the applications being developed by the Bulgarian
Match team
Screencards: An application, associated
with the Calendar. The child
can play/redevelop/develop multimedia
greeting cards for certain occasions, export
it in WWW format and eventually send it over the net. A small tutorial
on how to develop
MM postcards is also planned here.
Game World: "Save the Animals" game as
an example. An animal has disappeared
from a rezervat. The child has to find the animal choosing from
certain tools, applying her
knowledge about the animal, using additional information,
"talking" to other animals and learning more about them.
Land: An application which has national/internationall
and global/personal
perspectives. Choosing by season/month/day/subject, a child can
play with a multimedia presentation
of selected national/international holidays/customs
concerning children. She can redesign a presentation using
available resources or extend
the Calendar by presentations on other global events
or personal occasions. An option while playing with the Calendar is to
sellect/develop a multimedia
Brief overview
of the applications being developed by the Hungarian Match team
storybooks: Basically it would be an example for producing a
combination of a changeable “living storybook” and a musical enhancement
The story "Peter and the Wolf" will be implemented. The full story will
be developed with different possible paths to take. The story can be played
choosing the paths.
Playing within a page:
the page text can be clicked on and heard, the words can be clicked on
and heard or state connected to it evoked, the page elements can be clicked
on to evoke random events, the chosen next button can be clicked on to
go to the chosen next page. Random events could be chosen from states
assigned to the actor or sounds played. Editing the story would
be possible by creating new states and words, changing actors and changing
the text on the page. These would produce variations of the created story
- - steering the story. Changing or creating a new story from scratch
will also be helped.
frame: A set of Web pages would be developed and their translated
versions can be loaded on each involved country Web server. Pages should
aid with information on possible Web use, access of interesting information,
communication and exchange of works, and to be cultural awareness of the
other countries.
This page has been
developed by the Bulgarian
MATCh team
. Last updated by Iliana Nikolova on 18
April, 1998.