Calendar Documents

Calendar ideas Fut (Julia) - calendar2_Julia.rtf
Initial ideas for the Calendar from Diliana - Calendar1.rtf
Description of holydays (Julia) -
Plan for the development of calendar ot Diliana - CalendarPlan
Calendar_metaphor - comment by Iliana - Cal_mataphor.rtf

Multimedia Postcards Documents

Description of application - mmcards.doc
Wishes - MMCWish.rtf
Scenario of the cards (bg) - Cards.doc
Initial ideas about tutorial (bg) mmtutor.rtf

Save the Animal Documents

Passport for animals - anim_passport.doc
Scenario of the game - rezerwat.doc

MATCH documentation

MATCh web page
  • Documentation for tools -
  • Documentation for applications  - Votes on proposed apps - APL_LST_fin.RTF
  • Management and organization

    Criteria for a good application - criteria_Sietse.doc
    Summary of Bratislava meeting -

    For comments and updates: Diana Leskovska