FTP server for MATCh
The URL is
you can use this address when connecting using a browser (Netscape
or IE).
If you use a command line FTP client then you have to connect to server
ftp.edi.fmph.uniba.sk then type a command CD M19Q27 (note that if you type
DIR, you will not see that directory on the listing).
If you use an FTP client with GUI (like WS_FTP) then you connect to
ftp.edi.fmph.uniba.sk and then you have to change the directory to M19Q27
using a kind of menu command or button 'change directory' (because the
GUI does not show that directory). In WS_FTP you can define the directory
M19Q27 as the directory where you want to go directly when connecting to
that server.
The procedure how to use the MATCH FTP directory is as follows:
A. To upload a file, you have to:
(1) send it by e-mail (as before) to Andrej Blaho (blaho@fmph.uniba.sk).
Please be careful to send the file ONLY
to him, not also to the MATCH list!
In the body of the e-mail write informations which will be addressed
to all of Match partners (i.e. annoncing that the file is on the FTP server
and explaining its content and purpose etc.)
(2) Andrej will put the file to the MATCH FTP directory and then sned
your e-mail WITHOUT the attached file to the MATCh mailing list (maybe
also with some attached information about file name and location if he
had to change it).
B. To download any file, you just connect to the FTP server (as
described above) and download the file.
Peter Tomcsanyi tomcsany@internet.sk