Accepted papers:

Marian Aadnanes, Wenche M. Roenning
Computer Network in Education - a Better Process of Learning?

Akira Ando, Tomohiro Nomizo, Takeshi Takahashi, Makoto Itami, Kohji Itoh
Shared Creation and Use of Media Databases with Shared Knowledge-Based Indeces - An Intelligent Media System

Bent B Andresen
Distance Education and New Literacy

Linda Baggott, Jon Nichol
The New Communication and Information Technologies and their Role in Biology Education
Olga Beltcheva, Domenico Ponta and Giorgio Da Bormida
An Authoring and Learning Kit for Digital Electronics

Andrea Bender-Oberg, Anneli Edman
Pedagogical Design Issues for DLW - an Interactive Learning System

Maria Bielikova, Pavol Navrat
A Schema-Based Approach to Teaching Programming in Lisp and Prolog

Marcos Augusto Francisco Borges & M. Cecília C. Baranauskas
An user-centered approach to the design of an expert system for training

Rosa Maria Bottino, Paola Forcheri, Maria Teresa Molfino
Technology Transfer in Schools: from Research to Innovation

Pavel Boychev
Overview of Research Logo System

D.R. Brough, Gerald Cort
The Power Maths Project

D.R. Brough, G. Wetrin
A Free-Text Database Tool

Tatiana Chernigovskaya, Tatiana Gavrilova, Alexander Voinov
Neuro-Cognitive Bias for Distance and Compute-Aided Learning

Tom Conlon
Towards diversity: advancing knowledge-based modeling with knowledge acquisition

Paloma Diaz, Ignacio Aedo, Nuria Torra, Pilar Miranda, Maria Martin
A Training System in a hypermedia learning environment

Vanya Dimitrova, Darina Dicheva
"Who is Who": The Roles in an Intelligent System for Foreign Language Terminology Learning

Alexei Dovgiallo, Viatcheslav Bykov, Valentina Kolos, Svetlana Kudrjavtseva, Yury Tsybenko, Natalia Vlasenko.
Model for Flexible and Distance Learning System Using Telematic Networks

Alexei Dovgiallo, Viatcheslav Bykov, Valentina Kolos, Svetlana Kudrjavtseva, Yury Tsybenko, Natalia Vlasenko.
WWW - based distance course on the Communication and Information Technologies (CIT course)

Carolyn Dowling
The social dimensions of computer mediated learning

David Duncan, Paul Brna
Flexible Intelligent Learning Environments (ILEs): Using Agent-based Software Engineering to Build New Agents

Baltasar Fernandez-Manjon, Carmen Fernandez-Chamizo, Jose M. Gomes-Hidalgo, Alfredo Fernandez-Valmayor
Pragmatic User Model Implementation in an Intelligent Help System

Vladimir A. Fomichov & Olga S. Fomichova
The Potential of the Theory of Dynamic Conceptual Mappings for Preparation of Teachers and Realizing Intelligent Tutoring

Giovanna Gazzaniga, AnnaRosa Scarafiotti
Effects of multimedial technology on student/machine communication

Hiroshi Ichimura, Kouhachi Yuda, Wataru Shimada, Masato Suzuki, Michio Murai, Seiji Horiuchi, Seijiro Obata, Yoko Ichimura, Eiko Yuda
A Study of Multimedia-assisted Education for Learner's Creativity

Kohji Itoh, Makoto Itami, Ryousuke Enomoto, Akira Inukai
A Goal-Oriented Programming Support System for Novice Prolog Programmers Based on Prototypes and Data Samples

Ljubomir Jerinic, Vladan Devedic
Object-Oriented Knowledge Primitives for Intelligent Tutoring Shell

Reinhard Klein, L. Miguel Encarnacao
An Interactive Computer Graphics Theory and Programming Course for Distance Education on the Web

Igor Koziak
ANALYZER: Automated Deriving of Descriptions of Student Programs

Amruth N. Kumar
Generating Challenging Problems in Intelligent Tutoring Systems - A Case Study of Storage Placement Algorithms

Dominique Leclet, Gerard Weidenfeld
Training to strategical decisions in professional contexts : a bridge from "case based " to "simulation based" approach

Francis Lowenthal, C. Marcourt, C. Solimando
Analysis of cognitive strategies observed during Logo related problem solving activities

Vera Lucia Strube de Lima, Adriana Belier
Authoring by the reader: an interface for playing the learner's role

Tatsumori Matsui, Toshio Okamoto
Optimization Method for Selection Problems in the Intelligent Adaptive Instruction System Using Fuzzy Estimation

Jean McKendree, Keith Stenning, Terry Mayes, John Lee and Richard Cox
Why Observing A Dialogue May Benefit Learning: The Vicarious Learner

Lubos Mikusiak, Miroslav Adamy
Support for Distance Teaching of the Z Notation

Kazuhiro Miyahara, Toshio Okamoto
Collaborative Information Filtering Towards Distributed Cooperative Work/Learning Environment

Iliana Nikolova, Betty Collis
Flexible Learning and Design of Instruction

Toshio Okamoto, Ryo Takaoka
Roles and Functions of Agents in an Intelligent Programming Support Environment

Maja Pivec, Vladislav Rajkovic
The Role of an Expert System in the Education Process

Robert Ramberg, Klas Karlgren
Beyond Unintelligent Tutoring: Fostering Superficial Learning! – Implications For Instruction And Design

Krassen Stefanov, Svetoslav Stoyanov, Roumen Nikolov
Design Issues of a Distance Learning Course on Business on the Internet

Avgoustos Tsinakos, Konstantinos G. Margaritis
E-WISD, an ITS for High-school Classroom training

Julita Vassileva, Ralph Deters
Dynamic Courseware Generation on the WWW

Denise Whitelock, Eileen Scanlon
Gaze, Gesture and Gender: Gauging their Roles with respect to Computer Supported Collaborative Learning

Tina Wilson, Denise Whitelock
'To participate or not to participate? Monitoring the on-line antics of distance learning computer science students.'

Irina Zheliazkova
A Graph Model of a Dynamic Planning of the Teaching Process

Accepted posters:

Natalia Apatova, Nickolas Vasilas
Geometry Theorems Provement Inside the Intelligent Tutoring System

Marija Arsenovich, Victor A. Gaisyonok, George A. Zabarovski
Integrated Tutorial Programming Environment in Solving the Problems of Electrodynamics

G. A. Atanov , I.N. Pustynnikova
Representation And Structuring Of Domain Knowledge By The Semantic Networks And Productions Methods

Peter Brusilovsky, Gerhard Weber, Marcus Specht
ELM-ART: An Intelligent Tutoring System for learning LISP on WWW

Trayan Iliev, Darina Dicheva
MYCROFT-CBR: A Case-Based Debugger for Simple Logo Programs

Galina Yovcheva Ivanova
Comenius Logo - Classroom Experience in Working with Images and Turtles

Corinne Marcourt , C. Solimando
Hierarchy of Logo problem solving strategies

Roumen Nikolov, Krassen Stefanov, Viara Popova, George Koprinkov, Tomislav Tzolov
VEPH - A Virtual Electronic Publishing House for Distance Education

Zoran Putnik
Reconsidering the Choice of the First Programming Language

Peter L. Stanchev, Roumen Nikolov
MMLS: MultiMedia Learning System