Principal publications of Bojidar Sendov:
- Columbus, Da Vinci or Prometheus: A New Role for the Mathematics Teacher in a Computer Environment” (with E. Sendova) Journal of Technology and Teacher Education, vol. 1 (2), 1993, 209-215;
- Using Computers in School to Provide Linguistic Approaches to Mathematics: A Bulgarian Example” (with E. Sendova), in Machine-mediated Learning, 4(1), pp. 27-65, 1994, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates,
- Getting into the Habit of Creative Thinking in a Computer Microworld: Plane Geometry System” (with E. Sendova) in Graf K.-D., Malara N., Zehavi N. and Ziegenbalg J. (Editors) “Technology in the Service of the Mathematics Curriculum” - Proceedings of WG 17 at ICME-7, the 7th International Congress on Mathematics Education, Quebec, 1992, printed in 1994 at Freie Universitat Berlin, pp. 191-196
- East or West - GEOMLAND is BEST, or Does the Answer Depend on the Angle? (with E. Sendova), in A.A. diSessa, C. Hoyles, R. Noss (Eds.) Computers and Exploratory Learning, NATO ASI Series, Series F; Computer and Systems Sciences, Vol. 146, Berlin: Springer - Verlag, 1995, pp. 59 - 79
- Tuning a Logo-like Environment to a Knowledge Domain (with E. Sendova), in M. Turcsanyi-Szabo (ed.) learning and exploring with Logo, Proceedings of the Sixth European Logo Conference, Budapest, Hungary, 20-23 August, 1997, pp. 28-37