Publications of Iliana Nikolova:
- Nikolova, I. Teacher
Development in ICT: „Vision and Implementation“. Invited paper for the
IFIP Conference “Chile2000 - The Bookmark to the School of the Future”,
Vena del Mar, Chile. To be published in Taylor & Hogenbirk (Eds),
Chile’2000 Conference Book, Kluwer 2000 (Teacher Training,
- Nikolov, Sendova, Nikolova
& Derzhanski (Eds.) „Extending Educational Horizons in the
Spirit of Logo: A 20th Century epilog“. Proceedings, EUROLOGO’99.
Virtech Ltd., Bulgaria 1999.
- Kurtev, I, Nikolova,
„Specifications of the WWW development method of the NETLogo teacher
training course. EC NETLogo „, Project internal delivery,
- Nikolova, I. ,“Teaching and
Learning via WWW: Methodology and Tools“. Invited presentation at
Euro-Med Tele’99 Conference: Technology in Learning Environments, Tel
Aviv, Israel. In Tele’99 Book of Abstracts, Open University of Israel.
pp. 74-76, 1999 (Distance Learning)
- Nikolova, I. „Teacher
Development in Informatics and Information and Communication
Technologies“. In Proceedings,International Tempus Seminar “New
Approaches in using ICT in Teacher Training”, Sofia. pp. 215-236, 1999
(ICT, Teacher Training)
- Nikolova, I. ,
„Reshaping Academic Practices through Multi and Hyper Media“. Invited
paper for ED-MEDIA’99 – World Conference on Educational Multimedia,
Hypermedia and Telecommunications, Seattle, Washington, June, 1999. In
Collis, B, Oliver, R. (Eds.) Proceedings of ED-MEDIA’99, AACE, USA. pp.
36-49, 1999 (Distance Learning, Multimedia)
- Nikolova, I., Collis, B. ,
„Flexible Learning and Design of Instruction“. British Journal of
Educational Technology, Vol. 29/1, pp. 59-72, 1998
(Distance Learning)
- Nikolova, I., Pelovsky,
R. „Course Wizard: A Tool to Support the Development and Delivery
of Web-based course“. Presentation at the DEMAND project Workshop,
Sofia 1998 (Power Point slides
- Nikolova, I. „Towards VALUE
- A Virtual Almanac for Logo Users and Educators. In Proceedings“,
Eurologo'97: Learning and exploring with Logo, Budapest, Hungary,
pp. 240-248 , 1997 (LOGO, Teacher Training)
- Triantafilou, S., Pixton,
J., Kallenbach, K., Kalas, I., Turcsenyi-Szabo, M., Pintelas, P.,
Nikolova, I., „MATCh: a Multimedia Authoring environmenT for
Children“. Eurologo'97: Learning and exploring with Logo pp. 80-84, 1997
(LOGO, Teacher Training, Education in Informatics)
- Nikolova, I. „ Design of a
Method for Flexible Instructional Modules Development“. Master's Thesis,
International Master's Programme "Educational and Training Systems
Design", University of Twente, The Netherlands, 1996
- Collis, B., Nikolova, I.,
& Martcheva, K. (Eds.) „ Communication and information technologies
in teacher education: Issues and experiences for countries in
transition“ Paris: UNESCO, 1995 ISBN 92-3-103072.
- Nikolova, I. „Teacher
Development Support in Using IT in Schools“. In Sendova, E., Azalov, P.,
Muirhead, J.(Eds.). Informatics for Secondary Schools
- Today and Tomorrow. UNESCO, Sofia, Bulgaria, pp. 135-144, 1995 (IT in
School, Teacher Training)
- Nikolova, I., Sendova,
E. „Logo in the Curriculum for Future Teachers: A Project-based
Approach“. In Duill, M. (Ed.). Proceedings, Eurologo'95,
Birmingham, UK, pp. 7-12, 1995 (LOGO, Teacher Training)
- Nikolova, I. , „Analysis of
a curriculum development project for in-service teacher education in
IT“. Working paper. Master's Programme "Educational and Training
Systems Design", University of Twente, The Netherlands.
- Nikolova, I., Nikolov, R.,
„ Teacher Training in Informatics: Analyzing the problems“. In Johson,
D., Sammways, B.(Eds.). Informatics and Changes in Learning.
North-Holland. pp. 253-260, (Teacher Training)
- Nikolova , I.(1991). A
Metaphor Explaining Scope Rules for Variables in Logo. In Proceedings,
EUROLOGO'91, Parma, Italy 1991 (LOGO, Language synthax)
- Nikolova, I., Georgiev,
I., „Logo Olympiads for Schoolchildren in Bulgaria“, In
Proceedings, Children in the Information Age, Varna,
Bulgaria, 1989.