Course Title:

Economics and the Role of Banks
Learning Method: Distance learning method

Secondary school graduates

Course Aims

The course is aiming to supply the specialists working in the banking and financial sphere with knowledge of modern methods and analytical approaches in the field of Economics and provides them with various patterns for producing analysis through comparing both the Western and Bulgarian banking practices.

Course Summary

The course “Economics and the Role of Banks” is a compulsory one for studying the Basic course of Programme for Banking and Finance. The course provides learners with knowledge of various economic phenomena grouped in clusters as follows:

All these clusters consist of several sessions discussing separate topics and outlining the expected results achieved. The material delivered in the course-book is enriched with practical cases and exercises. Self-test questionnaires are applied after finishing each session of the book.

Outline Syllabus

Part 1 - Micro economics & Elements of Macro-economics


Session 1

The meaning of Economics

Session 2

Measuring the Economic Activity: The Circular Flow of Income

Session 3

Production of Goods and Services

Session 4

Demand and Supply 1

Session 5

Demand and Supply 2

Session 6

Elasticity’s of Demand and Supply

Session 7

Economic Systems and Market Forces

Session 8

Perfect Competition and Monopoly

Session 9

Imperfect Competition and Oligopoly

Part 2 - Money and Banking


Session 10

Money: Role and Functions

Session 11

Supply and Demand for Money

Session 12

Banking and Finance

Session 13

Economic Trends and Banking Development

Part 3 – Macro-economics and Macro-economic Polices


Session 14

State Intervention in the Economy

Session 15

Macro-economic Policy and Economic Thought

Session 16

Managing the Economy

Part 4 - International Economics


Session 17

International Trade

Session 18

Exchange Rates and Exchange Rate Mechanisms

Session 19

Further Aspects of International Economics

Session 20

Reflections on Banks and the Economy- Review and Conclusions

Learning Outcomes

The learning outcomes of the “Economics and the Role of Banks” course should be the following skills:


Assessment Strategy


Assessment criteria:


100 points maximum

Learning Strategy

The above structured aims and the learning outcomes of the “Economics and the Role of Banks” course can be achieved by applying a special time schedule for self-studying the course’s content delivered by the course-book and is practiced through specifically designed exercises included in the course-book. The time designed for learning a session is two and a half hours. The total time fixed for learning the entire material is 60 hours distributed in six weeks period.

Indicative References

Hoye, Barry “The economics and the Role of Banks”, International Banking Institute, Sofia: 1999

Additional References

Any economic information available through newspapers or mass-media

Resources Required

The printed edition of the course-book “The Economics and the Role of Banks”

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