Fundamentals of European Law

  1. European Coal and Steel Community , European Economic Community, European Atomic Energy Community (Euratom) - establishment, international law characteristics, development.
  2. European Community institutions – European Commission, Council of Ministers, European Parliament.
  3. European Community judicial system. Court of Justice and Court of First Instance – jurisdiction and types of procedures.
  4. European Community legal system. Founding treaties. Secondary legislation.
  5. EC single market. The four freedoms of movement. Economic and monetary union.
  6. Internal market competition protection policy.
  7. European Community common agricultural policy.
  8. European Community common trade policy.
  9. European Union. European citizenship. Institutions – jurisdiction and decisions.
  10. Second and third column - common foreign and security policy; cooperation in the field of justice and home affairs.
  11. European communities and Bulgaria. European agreement for accession. Approximation of the Bulgarian legislation to the European law.
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