Course Title:

Human Resource Development

Learning Method:




Course Aims

Course Summary

Outline Syllabus

Part 1: Identifying Development Needs

  1. Introduction
  2. The Overall Picture
  3. The Organisation
  4. Current Needs
  5. Occupations and Jobs
  6. The Individual
  7. Bringing it Together
  8. Summary & Further Reading

Part 2: Design Learning Programmes

  1. Introduction
  2. How do People Learn?
  3. Who are Your Learners?
  4. Goals and Objectives
  5. Strategies and Resources
  6. Developing a Session Plan
  7. Summary
  8. Further Reading

Part 3: Facilitate Effective Learning

  1. Introduction
  2. Back to Basics
  3. Identifying Learners Needs
  4. Preparing to Train
  5. Effective Presentations
  6. Effective Demonstrations
  7. Effective Coaching
  8. Effective Facilitation Skills
  9. Feedback and the Application of Learning
  10. Summary

Part 4: Assessment and Review

  1. Introduction
  2. Effective Assessment
  3. Roles and Responsibilities
  4. Assessment Methods
  5. Assessment Planning
  6. Evaluating Assessment Evidence
  7. Recording and Storing Information
  8. Summary
  9. Glossary of Terms
  10. Further Reading

Part 5: Evaluation

  1. Introduction
  2. Evaluation and Assessment
  3. Defining Evaluation
  4. Models for Evaluation
  5. Types and Methods of Evaluation
  6. Areas for Evaluation
  7. Effective Evaluation
  8. Planning Evaluation
  9. Summary & Further Reading

Learning Outcomes

Assessment Strategy

Learning Strategy

Indicative References

Additional References

Resources Required

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