Course Project

Every student is involved in a course project starting after passing the basic modules (the introduction and two background modules). The project theme is assigned individually by the tutor and could be worked out either by one student or by a group of two students.

The project consists of the following activities:

  1. Searching information in the Internet about:
  2. Preparation of short report containing comparative analysis of the selected offers;
  3. Development of Web presentation of an imaginary company offering the same product/service including:

The report and the Web presentation should be sent to the tutor for assessment and will be exposed at the course site.

The weight of the project mark is 45% of the final assessment.

Possible marks are fail, fair, good, very good, excellent.

List of the proposed project topics:

  1. Distance Education in the field of Management
  2. Electronic Commerce Malls
  3. Financial Forcasting Services
  4. Selling CD's on the Internet
  5. Provision of Consultancy and Tools for Secure Payng on the Internet
  6. Consultancy on Legal Issues concerning EU and USA
  7. Transportation Services
  8. Food Products
  9. New Medical Means
  10. Environment Friendly Products
  11. Free Electronic Books and Magazines
  12. Consultancy on Advertising on the Internet