Time Schedule 

The course consists of six modules and a course project. The first three modules are introductory and cover the basic prerequisite knowledge needed. The following three modules are the core of the course. The goal of the project is to illustarte the practical aspects of electronic commerce. 

The overall duration of the course is 15 weeks (4 hours per week) or 4 weeks (15 hours per week) . The first module is planned for 4 hours, the 2nd and 3rd for 6 hours, and the last three modules for 8 hours (4+2*6+3*8=40). The project will start after finishing the first three modules (after 16 hours) and will end in the last week. The last 20 hours are planned exclusively for the project work. In every module the student should proceed in the following way:

  • study the lecture notes, read the guest lectures and have a look at additional resources (2 or 3 hours in total);
  • participate in the discussion, guided by the tutor - one or two hours;
  • work over and submit the assignments (test, essay) - one, two or three hours.