Course Information

 About the Module
 The Module and Its Aims
 The Module Objectives
 The Module Content
 Achieving the Aims and Objectives
 The Module Prerequisites

About the Module

Databases and database technology are having a major impact on the growing use of computers. Databases are playing a critical role in almost all areas where computers are used, including business, engineering, medicine, law, education, and many other areas. The word “database” is in common usage, but in this module a formal definition is given. The fundamental concepts necessary for the design, use and implementation of database systems are provided.

The Module and Its Aims

The study of database theory, design and management is an important component in modern education. This module provides the students with theoretical background and knowledge about current Relational Database Management Systems (RDBMS). The module is designed to provide effective integration of theoretical material and its application. The material stresses the fundamentals of database modelling and design, the languages and facilities provided by database management systems, and techniques for implementing database systems.

The Module Objectives

As a result of their developed awareness and knowledge after completing this module, students will be able to:

The Module Content

The syllabus content to be explored in the module covers eight areas:

The breakdown and delivery of this syllabus content, with the teaching sessions and learning outcomes involved, are set out in The TutorGuide.

Achieving the Aims and Objectives

A wide range of teaching methods and materials will be used to achieve the aims and learning objectives of this module. The principal vehicle for learning will be sessions, supported by preparatory and follow-up reading. No single core text will be used for study, but a wide range of material from a variety of source texts will be covered by brief presentations from both the tutor and students. Each session will include opportunities for discussion of the theoretical material and of personal experiences relating to it.

The course also contains a workshop element aimed at integrating material from across the sessions.

This student and activity-centred approach aims to achieve a high degree of learning and concept assimilation in students, developing their awareness and skills practically and making their learning relevant to their everyday work.

Throughout the module students will be encouraged to make use of their own real life experiences, to adopt a reflective and questioning approach to database design and implementation activity.


Formal assessment in this module will be achieved through one assignment.

The sessional work will involve student activities. This provides the opportunity for the tutor to assess the students’ contributions continuously on a formal basis. It also provides a natural forum for informal feedback to students as they compare their own understanding of reading and presentations, with that of other group members and of the tutor.

In line with the teaching and learning philosophy of this module, the written assignment will be aimed at encouraging students to develop their understanding by integrating theory with experience.

The Module Prerequisites

No specific prerequisite studies are required for students to be able to complete the module.


A full list of the core materials to be used by tutors and students follows, along with additional texts and resources recommended for library or student resource centre use.
