
 Teaching Scheme and Assessment Pattern
 The Teaching and Learning Schedule


The learning process for this module is a synthesis of student reading, formal inputs in the form of learning materials and seminar discussions led by students. The overall subject matter is split into separate topics as shown on the diagram that follows.

Teaching Scheme and Assessment Pattern

Relational Database Management Systems
Module outline (each session)
Database Concepts and Architecture
 Ch. 1, 2
Database system development. Data Modelling using the ER Model
Ch. 14, 3
Database models. Mapping ER model to relational schema
Ch 6.8, 10.1, 11.1 
Relational database design
Ch 12, 13
Relational Algebra
Ch 6.5-6.7
Ch 7
Query optimisation
Ch 16
Current trends in database systems
Ch 22.1
The mentioned chapters are from the suggested core book. The tutor could choose from another core book.

The Teaching and Learning Schedule

The full teaching and learning schedule is included in the Student's Guide. This shows, session by session, how the broad syllabus content is broken down, what learning outcomes are expected and the teaching and learning methods to be used. It gives a fairly detailed overview of the module programme and may be used as a quick reference facility for the tutor to review how broad topic areas are to be delivered. Each lecture sets the parameters for the topic to be studied. The course is very concentrated and, in order to perform well, students need to carry out the recommended reading before a lecture and read as widely as possible around the topic. When the recommended reading is from the core book the student is expected to read the relevant section in full.

For all sessions, students need a copy of the core text and reading materials and for practical sessions access to microcomputers and appropriate software (see Resources section).
