Lecture 3
DB Models. Mapping ER-to-Relational Shema

Theoretical Knowledge
    Mapping ER Model into the Relational Model
    The Network Model
    Logical Pointer Structure
Practical Knowledge

Mapping ER Model into the Relational Model

Step 1:For each regular entity type e in the ER schema, we create a relation r that includes all the simple attributes of e. For a composite attribute we include only the simple component attributes. We chose one of the key attributes of e as primary key for r. If the chosen key of r is composite, then the set of simple attributes that form it will together form the primary key of r.

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Step 2: For each weak entity type w in the ER schema with owner entity type e, we create a relation r and include all simple attributes (or simple components of composite attributes) of w as attributes of r. In addition, we include as foreign key attributes of r the primary key attribute(s) of the relation that corresponds to the owner entity type e; this takes care of the identifying relationship type of w. The primary key of r is the combination of the primary key of the owner and the partial key of the weak entity type w.


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Step 3: For each binary 1:1 relationship type r in the ER schema, we identify the relations s and t that correspond to the entity types participating in r. We choose one of the relations, s say, and include as foreign key in s the primary key of t. It is better to choose an entity type with total participation in r in the role of s. We include all the simple attributes (or simple components of a composite attribute) of the 1:1 relationship type r as attributes of s.

Step 4: For each regular (nonweak) binary 1:n relationship type r, we identify the relation s that represents the participating entity type at the n-side of the relationship type. We include as foreign key in s the primary key of the relation t that represents the other entity type participating in r; this is because each entity instance on the n-side is related to at most one entity instance on the 1-st of the relationship type. We include any simple attributes (or simple components of a composite attribute) of the 1:n relationship type as attributes of s.


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Step 5: For each binary m:n relationship type r, we create a new relation s to represent r. We include as foreign key attributes in s the primary keys of the relations that represent the participating entity types; their combination will form the primary key of s. We also include any simple attributes of the m:n relationship type (or simple components of a composite attribute) as attributes of s.

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Step 6: For each multivalued attribute a, we create a new relation r that includes an attribute corresponding to a plus the primary key attribute k of the relation that represents the entity type or relationship type that has a as an attribute. The primary key of r is then combination of a and k. If the multivalued attribute is composite, we include its simple components.

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Step 7: For each n-ary relationship type r, n>2, we create a new relation s to represent r. We include as foreign key attributes in s the primary keys of the relations that represent the participating entity types. We also include any simple attributes of the n-ary relationship type (or simple components of complete attributes) as attributes of s. The primary key of s is usually a combination of all the foreign keys that reference the relations representing the participating entity types. however, if the participation constrain (min, max) of one of the entity types e participating in r has max = 1, then the primary key of s can be the single foreign key attribute that references the relation e' corresponding to e; this is because in this case each entity e in e will participate in at most one relationship instance of r and can hence uniquely identify that relationship instance.

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The Network Model

'Codasyl' model conference on data systems languages (1971)

'DBTG' database task group.

Network model allows representing of 1:n relationships existing between records. 

Strictly speaking it does not allow m:n relationships.

'Cheat' is to use link record types.

Logical Pointer Structure

Definition includes:

Advantages Disadvantages  

Hierarchical models

 Do not allow direct representation of many-to-many relationships.

Allowable structures are in the form of trees.

The tree consists only of one-to-many downward pointing links.

A parent can have many children, but a child can have only one parent.

If there is more than one path between any two record types, then the structure is a network, not a hierarchy.

Additional Way of Defining

'Relation' = 2-dimensional table 

Proposed by dr e.f. codd of ibm in 1970

[cacm feb 1982 vol 25 no2 pp109-117 'Relational Database: A Practical Foundation for Productivity' e.f. codd]

Some differences

Logical key pointers

Normalisation theory High level languages Implementation independence Vocabulary


Schema - set of relations .

Relation - table .

Attribute - field heading .

Tuple - row on a table .

Column - field entries .

N-tuple - tuple with n attribute values (n = degree) .

Cardinality - no. of tuples in relation .

Domain - set of possible values for an attribute .

Key - record item used to access data schema.

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Relational Database Definitions

Rules for relations
    1. All entries per column of same kind
    2. Each column has unique name
    3. Order of attributes immaterial
    4. Each tuple distinct
    5. Order of tuples immaterial

Practical Knowledge 


Draw the relational schema for the examples from the previous session.

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