Lecture 6
SQL - A Relational Database Language

Theoretical Knowledge
    SQL Basics
    Data Definition in SQL
      Create Table Command
      Drop Table Command
      Alter Table Command
    Queries in SQL
    Simple Retrieval With Condition
    Tables as Sets in SQL
    Nested Queries
    Aggregate Functions
    Using an Expression
    Nulls in SQL
    Strengths of SQL
    Weaknesses of SQL
Practical Knowledge


1970 - Codd Defines Relational Database Model

1974 - 1978 IBM System/R Project

1979 - Oracle Commercial RDBMS


1982 - 1986 ANSI SQL Standard Developed/Ratified

1987 - ISO SQL Standard

SQL Basics

Many versions exist from different manufacturers

ISO/ANSI Standard contains less than 30 statement types

Grouped into:

Data Definition in SQL

Create Table Command

Used to specify a new relation by giving it a name and specifying each of its attributes

create table student

(stuid char (5) not null,

stln varchar(15) not null,

stfn varchar(15) not null,

major varchar(15) not null,

credits integer );

Drop Table Command

Used to delete a relation

drop table student;

Alter Table Command

Used to add an attribute to one of the existing relations in the database

alter table student add

birth_date char(9);

Queries in SQL

A query can consist of up to six clauses, the first two mandatory :

select <attribute list>

from <table list>

[where <condition>]

[group by <group attribute(s)>]

[having <group condition>]

[order by <attribute list>]

The select - clause lists the attributes or functions to be retrieved.

The from - clause specifies all relations needed in the query but not those needed in nested queries.

The where - clause specifies the conditions for selection of tuples from theses relations.

Group by specifies grouping attributes, whereas having specifies a condition on the groups being selected rather than on the individual tuples.

The built - in aggregate functions count, sum, min, max, and avg are used in conjunction with grouping.

Order by specifies an order for displaying the result of a query.

Simple Retrieval With Condition

Problem:Get names, ids and number of credits of all math majors from a university database

SQL Query:

select stfn, stln, stuid, credits

from student

where major = 'math;

p < stfn, stln, stuid, credits > (s major = mat(student))

Single relation name in from-clause is similar to select - project pair of relational algebra operations

Problem: Get the names of all math majors who have more than 30 credits.

SQL Query:

select stfn, stln

from student

where major = 'math and credits > 30;

Problem: Find ids and names of all students taking art103a.

SQL Query:

select enrolment.stuid, stfn, stln

from student, enrolment

where course# = 'art103a'

and enrolment.stuid = student.stuid;

select-project-join query: course# = 'art103a' selection condition;

enrolment.stuid = student.stuid - join condition.

Order by

Used to order the tuples in the result. the keyword asc can be used to specify ascending order explicitly, desc - descending order

Problem:Get names and ids of all faculty members, arranged in alphabetical order by name.

SQL Query:

select facid, facname

from faculty

order by facname;

Dealing With Ambiguous Attribute Names

Problem:Get a list of all courses that meet in the same room, with their schedules and room numbers

SQL Query:

select copy1.course#, copy1.sched, copy1.room, copy2.course#, copy2.sched

from class copy1, class copy2

wherecopy1.room = copy2.room

andcopy1.course# < copy2.course#;

Use of '*'

Which stands for all the attributes

Problem: Get all information about csc faculty.

SQL Query:

select *


where dept = 'csc';

Tables as Sets in SQL

SQL does not treat a relation as a set.

Not automatically eliminates the duplicate tuples - expensive operation, elimination by the user wish, using aggregation functions

Key distinct, meaning that only distinct tuples should remain in the result

Problem:Find the number of credits

SQL Query:

select credits

from student;

SQL Query:

select distinct credits

from student;

Nested Queries

Complete select query within the where-clause of another query

Problem:Get an alphabetical list of names and ids of all students in any class taught by faculty member f110.

SQL Query:

select stfn, stln, stuid

from student

where stuid in

order by stfn asc;

Aggregate Functions

Problem:Find the number of departments that have faculty in them.

SQL Query:

select count (distinct dept)

from faculty;

Problem: Find the average number of credits students have.

SQL Query:

select avg (credits)

from student;

Problem: Find the student with the largest number of credits.

SQL Query:

select stuid, stfn, stln

from student

where credits =

Problem: Find the id of the student( s ) with the highest grade in any course.

SQL Query:

select stuid


wheregrade =

Using an Expression

Problem: Assuming that each course is three credits, list, for each student, the number of courses that he or she has completed.

SQL Query:

select stuid, 'number of courses =', credits/3

from student;


Group by - clause specifies the grouping attributes, which must also appear in the select-clause, so that the value of applying. Each function on the group of tuples appears along with the value of the grouping attribute(s).

Problem: Find each course, show the number of students enrolled.

SQL Query:

select course#, count(*)

from enrolment

group by course#;


Can appear only in conjunction with group by-clause. Having provides a condition on the group of tuples associated with each value of the grouping attributes, and only the groups that satisfy the condition are retrieved in the result of the query.

Problem: Find all courses in which fewer than three students are enrolled.

SQL Query:

select course#

from enrolment

group by course#

having count(*) < 3;

Nulls in SQL

SQL allows queries that check if a value is null.

Problem: Find the stuid and course# of all students whose grades in that course are missing.

SQL Query:

select course#, stuid

from enrolment

where grade is null;

Strengths of SQL

Weaknesses of SQL


Practical Knowledge



salesman area qtysold value
223 08 20 6000
277 01 25 8092
289 02 16 7131
301 02 31 5992
310 01 32 6109
319 08 25 7006
334 01 18 5817

1. select area, qtysold from sales;

area qtysold
08 20
01 25
02 16
02 31
01 32
08 25
01 18

2. select area, qtysold from sales where value > 7000;

area qtysold
01 25
02 16
08 25

3. select distinct area from sales;


4. Group by creates sub-totals:-

select avg(qtysold) from sales;


select avg(qtysold) from sales group by area;

area avg(qtysold)
08 22.5
01 25
02 23.5

5. Having selects/rejects row groups

select avg(qtysold) from sales group by area

having avg(qtysold)<23;

area avg(qtysold)
01 25
02 23.5

Insert - adds new data

insert into table [(column-list)]


insert into sales (salesman,area,qtysold,value)


insert into sales values (351,08,3,675);


salesman area qtysold value
351 08 3 675
223 08 20 6000
277 01 25 8092
289 02 16 7131
301 02 31 5992
310 01 32 6109
319 08 25 7006
334 01 18 5817

Note values can be taken from other tables, using select clause, instead of values!

Delete - removes data

delete from table [where search-condition]


 1. All rows of a table:-

delete from sales;

2. Selected rows:-

delete from sales where salesman=351;


salesman area qtysold value
223 08 20 6000
277 01 25 8092
289 02 16 7131
301 02 31 5992
310 01 32 6109
319 08 25 7006
334 01 18 5817

3. Using sub-queries to select items


sarea manager costs
08 21 5065
01 03 7231
02 07 6540
09 37 5345

delete from sales

where area =


salesman area qtysold value
223 08 20 6000
289 02 16 7131
301 02 31 5992
319 08 25 7006

Update - modifies data

update table set assignment-list [where search-condition]


update sales set qtysold = 23, value = 6975

where salesman = 223;


salesman area qty sold value
223 08 23 6975
277 01 25 8092
289 02 16 7131
301 02 31 5992
310 01 32 6109
319 08 25 7006
334 01 18 5817


salesman area qtysold value
223 08 20 6000
277 01 25 8092
289 02 16 7131
301 02 31 5992
310 01 32 6109
319 08 25 7006
334 01 18 5817

Foreign Key 


sarea manager costs
08 21 5065
01 03 7231
02 07 6540
09 37 5345

Primary Key

select salesman, value, manager

from sales, costcentres

where area = sarea;


1. Both tables need to be specified

2. The 'where' clause specifies a test between

primary & foreign key

3. The keys do not have to be included in the output



salesman value manager
223 6000 21
277 8092 03
289 7131 07
301 5992 07
310 6109 03
319 7006 21
334 5817 03

Row selection criteria may be used in conjunction:-

select salesman, value, manager

from sales, costcentres

where area = sarea

salesman value manager
277 8092 03
289 7131 07
301 5992 07
310 6109 03
334 5817 03

Other query possibilities are:-


select salesman, value, manager

from sales, costcentres

where value > costs;


salesman value manager
223 6000 21
277 8092 03
289 7131 07
319 7006 21



Qualified Column Names






salesman value manager
223 6000 277
277 8092 null
289 7131 277
319 7006 277


Eg to list all salesreps, and their manager:-

select emps.salesman, mgrs.salesman

from salesreps emps, salesreps mgrs

where emps.manager = mgrs.salesman;


emps.salesman mgrs.salesman
223 277
289 277
319 277

Data Definition



create table offices

primary key (office),

foreign key hasmgr (mgr)


The set of relations listed below is partial description of an auto service database. Create an relational database containing exactly this set of relations.

Relation Customer

 customer id# name street







tel #


tel #

5001 Jones R. 147 indian dr toronto m4s 1s3 897-9676 789-8657
2347 Fraser D. 34 pearson hamilton m4p 1j7 657-8754 980-9876
1238 Wong A. 102 york mills toronto m1p 2s1 488-3434 987-7576
6065 Chen B. 50 savonadr london m7j 2a8 343-4534 765-8754
1209 Gerus H. 68 edna cambridge m5n 1j4 765-5433 765-5433
7324 Payne N. 67 delmadr waterloo m9d 9i2 435-5656 586-8608
8526 Philip J. 72 clinton mississauga m6f 8f1 654-5676 254-9786
6357 Tai K. 245 dun north york m9i 9k2 564-6754 876-9087
1007 Bruno M. 21 dundas toronto m5i 3s7 544-5655 544-5655
9901 Bryson S. 6 mayfair mississauga m8s 1f2 907-9785 786-9767

Relation Service

 car id # date-scheduled date-served mechanic name service charge
548lop 23/09/92 23/09/92 Liu J. 734.64
tre234 18/10/92 19/10/92 Mcfadden M. 509.87
789wrs 29/10/92 29/10/92 Liu J. 173.00
234ery 19/09/92 19/09/92 Cohen S. 509.87
548lop 29/10/92 29/10/92 Mcfadden M. 734.63
olp789 08/09/92 09/09/92 Dawe T. 509.87
782iam 28/10/92      
tre234 04/09/92 04/09/92 Cohen S. 1089.87

Relation Vehicle

 owner id# make model year licence plate #
6065 chevrolet cavalier 1989 234ery
2347 oldsmobile cutlas 1985 gfd742
7324 toyota corola 1989 980sss
1209 toyota previa 1991 782iam
5001 dodge omni 1988 ctv111
7324 ford mustang 1989 548lop
1007 buick regal 1989 utt709
1238 porche 944 1985 olp789
1209 ford mercury 1990 342ges
8526 suzuki sidekick 1990 tre234
5001 toyota tercel 1985 loo660
9901 mazda 626 1986 566kil
6357 chevrolet astro 1991 789wrs

Formulate each of the queries below in the sql language and run them on the database created above.

 Query 1: Find the names of all customers who live in Toronto.


Query 2: Find the make, model and year of all cars owned by Jones R.


Query 3: Find the names and addresses of all customers who own a Toyota.


Query 4 : Find the license plate number of all cars owned by Jones R.


Query 5: Find the customer name and make of car for every customer who has a 1989 car.


Query 6: Find the names of all customers who live in Toronto and own a Toyota.


Query 7: Find the names and addresses of all customers who own a Ford and who are scheduled for service on sep 23, 1992.


Query 8: Find the names of all customers who own a Chevrolet astro which was serviced on oct 29, 1992.


Query 9: Find the names of all customers whose home telephone number is the same as their business telephone number.


Query 10: Find the total service charges for Philip J.


Query 11: Find how many cars Jones R. owns.


Query 12: Find the largest service charge and the name of the customer who paid it.


Query 13: Find the lowest service charge and the name of the mechanic who did the service.


Query 14: Find the total number of cars and their licence plate numbers for cars which have not been scheduled for service.


Query 15: Find the names and telephone numbers of the owners of those cars which have been scheduled for service, but not yet serviced.


Query 16: For each customer who has a service charge, find the costumer's name and his total charge.


Query 17: For each mechanic who has repaired a car, find the mechanic's name and his total earnings.


Query 18: Find out when Gerus H. car is scheduled for service.


Query 19: Find how many cars where serviced on the same day that they were scheduled for service.


Query 20: For each city, find the total number of cars for that city in the database.


Query 21: Find which car has the highest service rate (i.e., has been serviced or scheduled for service the most times).


Query 22: For each make in the data base, find the average service rate for that make.


Query 23: Find the percentage served cars for each city in the database. 

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