Lecture 8
Current Trends in Database Systems

Theoretical Knowledge
    Progression of Database Technology
    Object-Oriented Model
    Object-Oriented Queries
    Emerging Database Applications
    Database, Knowledge Bases, and Expert Systems
    Emerging Technologies and Needed Research

Progression of Database Technology

a. Data Models

b. Database Hardware

c. User Interfaces

d. Program Interfaces

e. Presentation and Display

f. Nature of Processing

Object-Oriented Model

Object Structure

An object has associated with :

Class Hierarchy

A class object includes:

Multiple Inheritance

Object Identity 

Forms of identity:

 Degree of permanence of identity:

Object Containment

Physical Organization

Objects are typically represented as follows:

Highly specialized data types:

Object-Oriented Queries

Scheme Modification


The complication arises from two sources:

To illustrate the complexity of object-oriented schema modification, we list several types of modification below:

 Among the techniques used to reduce the overhead of scheme modification are:

Emerging Database Applications

a. Engineering Design and Manufacturing

CAD systems

b. Office Information Systems


c. Decision Support Systems (DSSs)

in Office Systems  

d. Statistical and Scientific Database Management

Micro and Macro SSDBs

Database, Knowledge Bases, and Expert Systems


Specific objectives of a knowledge-based management systems are:

1. To provide the usual database management system services to both the database and the knowledge base, including the efficient organization of large amounts of data, fast data access, concurrency control, integrity rule checking, transaction management, security enforcement, physical and logical independence, and so on.

2. To provide better user interfaces, including using natural language for queries.

3. To use knowledge-based query optimization, including use of integrity rules, database statistics, and meta-knowledge for single queries.

4. To extend optimization to multiple queries by recognizing common subexpressions and remembering query results.

5. To maintain consistency by semantic integrity checking using rule-based or logic-based techniques from artificial intelligence.

Architecture of Knowledge-Based Management systems 

1. Adding some database features to an expert system. Most expert systems store a very limited amount of data which fits in main memory during processing. However, they can be enhanced to provide simple database features, such as data manipulation and data access strategies.

2. Adding some intelligence to a database management system.

3. Incorporating a database management system within an expert system.

4. Loose coupling of an expert system and a database management system.

5. Tight coupling of an expert system and an external database management system.

Emerging Technologies and Needed Research

a. Multimedia Database Technology

multimedia document management with image, audio, and text information packaged as documents; CAD output containing drawings, pictures, and functional specifications of some design objects; image databases

b. Distributed and Federated Database Technology

c. Extensible DBMs

full-functionality approach

d. Sematic Database Technology

Needed Future Research and Development

a. User Interface

customized languages; alternative paradigms for accessing databases; natural language interface in multiple languages

b. Database Integration

integrating schemas of local databases into a global schema, mapping actual data from the local schema to the global schema, and mapping queries again the global schema into queries again local schemas

c. Interface with Software Engineering Technology

design databases; application generation from high-level specification; software tools; prototyping

d. Interface with Artificial Intelligence Technology

e. Database Machines Architecture

f. Interface with Programming Language Technology

Future integration of methods in Databases:

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