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What is a system?
What is an information system?
Information system that uses computer system, devices and technology is computer based information systems (CBIS). The CBIS we will accept as formal systems.
An information system is a product of three components: technology, organizations and people. To use IS effectively and efficiently in a business it is needed also to understand the problems faced by organizations, the proposed architectural and aesthetic solutions and the organizational process that leads to the systems.
External Environment includes political, demographic, economic and social trends.
Organizations as a system can be measured in terms of efficiency (is a measure of the extent to which a system achieves its goals) and effectiveness (is a measure of what is produced devided by what is consumed). Organization structure refers to organizational subunits are related as system elements. It is hierarchical and structured. Employees are arranged in a rising levels of authority. The upper levels of the hierarchy consist of management, and the lower levels consist of non-managerial employees. Formal rules, methods or procedures for accomplishing tasks (such as how to write up a purchase order or how to correct an erroneous bill), are used to coordinate specialized groups in the firms so they will complete their work in an acceptable manner.
People are most important element in most CBIS. IS include all people who menage, run, and maintain the computer system. Their knowledges and qualification can increase to use more Information systems and to apply into their jobs more efficiently and effectively.
The Technology transforms and organizes data into useful form. There are two related technology problems: (1) computing software is changing more rapidly than ability to buy appropriate hardware; (2) organizations cannot to apply changes of hardware and software.
Computer software is a set of instructions that controls hardware to perform processing of information systems.
The storage technology is a powerful determinant of the data usefulness and availability in a business.
Telecommunication technology is used to link different pieces of hardware and to transfer data from one location to another. It's involves physical media and software that support communication by electronic mean, usually over come distance.
Information systems literacy is is knowledge of how data information are used by individuals and organizations. It consists of three elements:
A system is a set of elements with relationships between them. They work together to achieve a common purpose or goal. System has inputs, processing mechanisms and outputs.
Systems can be relatively simple, or they can be more complex. Hospitals, manufacturers, insurance companies and electric utilities can be viewed as systems. In most of these cases, the system goals is profit maximization or customer satisfaction. Inputs of these systems include labor, capital, land, merchandise, equipment, and so on. Output from these systems are the goods and services offered by the business.
The system boundary defines the system and distintinguishes it from everything else (the environment). The input, the processing mechanism and the output are system elements. Systems in the system are subsystems.
Systems can be classified along numerous spectrums.
Information system is a set of interrelated elements or components
that collect (input), manipulate and store (processing), and disseminate
(output) data and information as well as feedback mechanism.
Input is the activity
of capturing raw data resources in the organization.
Processing involves converting (as calculations, comparisons and storing) this raw input into a more appropriate and useful outputs.
Output involves producing useful information to the people or activities
that will use it in the form of documents or reports.
Feedback is used to refine or to correct the input raw. Feedback is also
important for managers and decision makers.
Sociotechinical approach to Information systems
Computer hardware consists of any machinery that assist the performance of the input, processing and output activities of an information systems.
Knowledges about information technology - computer hardware, computer software, storage and techniques are computer literacy.
Questions and Tasks
Be sure you consider the system boundaries, the interactions between the system and its environment, the important system elements, and how the elements relate to each other.
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