PRO-PLUS European Union Paxis
Module "Identification"
Promotor Plus Network
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On 27 and 28 February 2004 the participants in "Promotor Plus Bulgaria 2003" project were given:

Individualized program
Results of the experts' analysis of the needs of the target group of start-ups, based on new technologies

These results have been based on the impressions which the applicants' business plans left in the members of the Concourse committee. However, these results shall be complemented by the applicants themselves. In file 4_1_2_Company_needs_EN.doc, which was personally sent to every applicant, you will find these appropriate measures, which shall be taken in order to improve the applicant's performance in the project. These measures are not final, contra-wise, the applicants are encouraged to complete this list of measures in accordance to their specific needs. Please, fill in the final version in the attached file 4_1_3_Program_for_stimulation_EN.doc. File 4_1_4_Protocol_EN.doc represents a personal protocol that shall be signed by each applicant and the project coordinator; this protocol harmonizes the execution of the indicated measures. This contract shall be signed personally by the applicant and the coordinator on 12-13 March 2004, when Training 3 will take place. Every applicant fills in file 4_1_1_Address_EN.doc with their personal data and attaches this file to the protocol.
In practice, until 8 March 2004 applicants shall complete files 4_1_1_Address_EN.doc, 4_1_3_Program_for_stimulation_EN.doc and 4_1_4_Protocol_EN.doc, and they shall use file 4_1_2_Company_needs_EN.doc for sample when completing 4_1_3_Program_for_stimulation_EN.doc . Between 8 and 12 March 2004 the project coordinator and the committee members shall give individual consultations to the applicants, in order that on 12 and 13 March 2004 all protocols be finally completed and signed.

You can download three of these files from here:


If you have not received by e-mail file 4_1_2_Company_needs_EN.doc with your personal profile, do not hesitate to call us.

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