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The RE*CAME project activities will take place on 26 September 2008 in several Bulgarian cities – Sofia, Plovdiv, Stara Zagora, Sliven, Dobrich and Rousse.

Most of the activities will be targeted at all age groups and will focus on making the public acquaint with the work and life of researchers:

  • Researchers will perform for a large Bulgarian audience at amusement programme "Researchers' E-Motions". The concerts will be open for the public. Researchers will perform as musicians, artists or poets, thus showing to the public hidden sides of their personalities – their hobbies, passions or talents.
  • "Cabinets of curiosity" will give opportunity to the children and their parents to participate in simple scientific experiments guided by researchers on topics like "Science in suitcase", "Water ecology", "Chemists cook", "Bio demonstrations", "The mysteries of plant propagation", "Discover the BioTreasures of the Balkan - The National park Central Balkan located in Stara Planina Mountain", etc.
  • "Life-style of researchers" will focuse on researchers' daily life and talents. Within it will be prepared the new editions of the exhibition "Bulgarian traces in science", and the newspaper "HOMO SCIENS", which were highly appreciated by the audience and the researchers themselves during the 2006 and 2007 editions. Three short movies will be dedicated to researchers in Biology, Chemistry and Ecology. As in previous years, there will be a space for own exhibitions of talented researchers providing higher visibility of their talents and the hidden sides of their personality. Passion of researchers to verses will be shown as well with a booklet of selected researchers" own poetry.

The project activities within the "Atelier of young talents" will be targeted at the younger participants and will include:

  • national photo competition among young people on the topic "Researchers in motion" with exhibitions during Researchers' Night and awarding the winners in all regions;
  • research competition on the topic "How can we use research and innovation to tackle the major problems of the DAY – sustainable environmental development?" – the participants will be young people – up to 25 years old;
  • several young people competitions, exhibitions and entertainment games.

TSome RE*CAME activities in Sofia will be focused on researchers of Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski", the first Bulgarian university which celebrates its 120 years anniversary.

Contact us

National Mobilty Center
e-mail: mobility@fmi.uni-sofia.bg
tel.: +359 2 71 35 09
fax.: +359 2 71 35 43