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The project RE*CAME sets as its main goal to enhance public recognition of researchers and their role in society and to encourage young people in Bulgaria to embark on scientific career.

In the framework of the European strategy towards knowledge-based economy and the recent debates on the Future of ERA, the project focuses on the need for increasing the number of researchers in Europe and to foster the interest of the society and the youth, in particular, to scientific work. In addition, it will raise the awareness on the three core EU activities related to researchers' jobs, services and rights.

For achieving the main goal, the following project objectives are defined:

  • to disclose to the public the hidden sides of life and work of researchers, and show them as professionals and at the same time as ordinary people;
  • to raise the public awareness on the contribution of researchers to society, to its progress and development;
  • to highlight the EU emphasis on its researchers and the opportunities for them in the large European labour market;
  • to make science and the respective career attractive for young people.
Contact us

National Mobilty Center
e-mail: mobility@fmi.uni-sofia.bg
tel.: +359 2 71 35 09
fax.: +359 2 71 35 43