
Summarising in order to inform others and thus learning how to pass on information efficiently.

How to organise it:

To complete this assignment you will have to refer to some printed material. For this purpose chapters from David Rein' s book 'The language of advertising and merchandising in English' will be made available to you. Of course, reading of other sources will be encouraged. We will take this book as a starting point.

We will start with the Market. Your short presentation will inform what marketing is, the purpose of market research, sources of data and areas of market research. Then comes the Consumer . Please, consider consumer motivation, Maslow's theory of human needs, internal and external variables of consumer behaviour and market segmentation. The Product comes next. Give a definition of what a product is. Explain the product life cycle and ways to extend it. Describe the nature of advertising at various stages in the product life cycle.

Next focus on Brand and choosing a brand name. Then come Advertising objectives and strategies. Mention here the advertising plan and give an example of such. Last comes Media planning.

Before going to the meeting, I would like you to go to the Purdue University On-line Writing Web at the address:  and be reminded how to use non sexist language in your presentations. In order to avoid the use of he/his for both genders, please focus on the Pronouns section.