Project applicants
Name |
Atanas Terziev, Sofia University, Faculty of Chemistry, Dept. of General and Inorg. Chemistry, Laboratory for high purity substances |
Address |
Sofia 1164, 1 "J.Bourtchier" Blvd |
Phone |
02/8161322; 088/8217314 |
Applicant's project at Promotor Plus Bulgaria 2003 |
Production of chemical substances for laboratory and industrial needs Manufacturing of chemical products for laboratory and industrial needs. The offered list includes more than 300 chemicals, in this number metal salts of rare and non-ferrous metals, acids, solvents, raw materials for the production of new materials, etc. The offered products have reactive qualification, and the quanitities vary between 100 gr and 2 000 kg per month. The quality of the products corresponds to the requirements of the state standards and to the these of the approved foreign companies. The products have been arranged in a special catalogue, which is being actualized annually. On clients' order we are able to develop technologies for products not appointed in the catalogue. |
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Name |
Assoc. Prof. Anna Kuyumdzieva, PhD, Faculty of Biology, Sofia University |
Address |
1164 Sofia, 8 "Dragan Tzankov" Blvd |
Phone |
02/8668619 |
Applicant's project at Promotor Plus Bulgaria 2003 |
Utilization of milk whey for the production of nutritive supplements. The project is devoted to small or middle-sized biotechnological enterprises, for the production of nutritive supplements (red pigments) from Monascus purpureus by means of a new economically efficient process that utilizes the whey as a secondary product of the dairy production, traditional for our country. Annually there is production of 110 billions liters of milk whey worldwide. The analysis of the whey utilization data displays that half of this stuff worldwide is poured in the sewerage, where it turns to be a powerful source of water and soil pollution (50 tones of it are equivalent to the pollution made by 80 000 people). Doubtlessly, the whey utilization in the production of biotechnological products proves to be a rational strategy for development of cheap and biologically worthy products, and simultaneously work for the environmental protection. |
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Name |
Boyko Belchev |
Address |
Sofia 1408, 18, "Biala cherkva" Str.,ent.1,fl.8, app.39 |
Phone |
02/511777; 088/8250346 |
Applicant's project at Promotor Plus Bulgaria 2003 |
Manageable vide-camera. The project concerns the development of bi-axis module of video-observation. The equipment includes Management point and sheer module located under a semispherical dome. The management point is capable of managing 64 modules - CCDI cameras. The interconnection between them is realized via cable or RF channel. The point manages multiplexor for switching the cameras and alarm system. |
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BBelchev_presentation_BG.ppt (38 Kb)
BBelchev_presentation_EN.ppt (52 Kb)
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Name |
Ivaylo Dimitrov, Forum Democrit |
Address |
Sofia, 12 "Ivan Vazov" Str. |
Phone |
02/9802766 (â. 207) |
Applicant's project at Promotor Plus Bulgaria 2003 |
Popularizing the results of the scientific research and support of the realization of the innovative products Producer's activity for popularization and advertisement of Bulgarian innovation products of interest to their owners, by means of: informational mediation in specialized and high-circulation media; creating own printed and Internet edition; concrete work over concrete investing and consumer groups. The principle of the total social influence has been applied, aimed to the scientific society for the needs of achieving concrete economic results. |
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Name |
Diana Popski, "Arbitrage" |
Address |
Sofia, 4 "Evlogi Georgiev" Blvd |
Phone |
02/9442979, 02/9461620 |
Applicant's project at Promotor Plus Bulgaria 2003 |
Arbitrage Optimizer Arbitrage core purpose is to provide reliable and actionable media and marketing information to serve the manufactures and service providers, advertising agencies and media - electronic, print, internet and outdoor. The cross media and marketing information from one source helps clients optimize their product development, marketing and adveritising activities. |
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DPopski_presentation_BG.ppt (90 Kb)
DPopski_presentation_EN.ppt (67 Kb)
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Name |
Georgi Ginov |
Address |
4006 Plovdiv, 2 "Dulevo" |
Phone |
032/820472 |
Applicant's project at Promotor Plus Bulgaria 2003 |
Production of printed circuit-boards We produce printed circuit-boards at clients' order. We can organize the production of one-layer and twp-layer printed circuit-boards in small and medium series. In the basis of the manufacture are the bare circuit boards - tinned tracks over copper-filmed glass textolite. We offer to lay protective filter on the tracks against corrosion, to print the topography of the components, contour milling, to lay graphite filterfor contact elements, etc. |
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Name |
Lyubimka Mihaylova, "Info stream" |
Address |
1000 Sofia, Vitosha Estate, 8 "21 century" Str |
Phone |
02/9581432; 02/9628077 |
Applicant's project at Promotor Plus Bulgaria 2003 |
Virtual factory The system is designed to register the operational activity and serve managers of the production from the viewpoint of the labour and productional accounting. The product runs under two kinds of operational systems - MS Windows and Linux. The first is graphical and provides Manager, Supervisor and Expert menu, as well as Quality menu. The second version provides text interface for the Operational menu, that runs on the terminal devices on the production lines. Every interface window visualizes the Company's logo and the program's version in the top right. There are main functional specifications of the operational menus. The major functions of the informational system can be modified and complemented due to the clients' needs. |
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Name |
Kostadin Kostadinov, Institute of Mechanics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences |
Address |
1113 Sofia, "Acad. G Bonchev" Str, Block 4 |
Phone |
02/8706264 |
Applicant's project at Promotor Plus Bulgaria 2003 |
Robot for cellular micro- and nano-manipulations The robot for cellular micro- and nano-manipulations with 6 degrees of freedom. It consists of a micro-robot and a nano-robot, which can be used separately. The working range of the translational joints of the micro-robot is 50 millimetres with repetition less than 2 ?m and permission capability of 0.1 ?m. Two of the nano-robot joints rotate around the X and Y axes in the range of 100 angle degrees with permission capability of 1.6 10-3 angle degrees. The last joint of the robot, which is translational, supports the executive organ of the robot, in this case - a glass pipette. This joint has range of motion of 65 microns with permission capability of the utilized piezoelement with size of 1 nanometre. |
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Name |
Koycho Mitev |
Address |
7020 Rousse, 4 "Madarski konnik" Str, entr. Â, fl. 3 |
Phone |
0887/8793300; 082/272436 |
Applicant's project at Promotor Plus Bulgaria 2003 |
Method for computerized linguistic translation This project is performed on the basis of the invention "method for computerized linguistic translation", protected with patent BG 63704 B1 / 04.10.2002. The invention is made on the basis of three scientific facts: 1. The subject of humans' communication, independently on their native language, is the knowledge of the real and imaginary world, expressed in one and the same grammatical categories - noun, adjective, verb, etc. - exactly 10 in number, as much the numbers in the decimal system are. 2. Mathematics, and in particular the digits from 0 to 9 are carriers of one and the same information in all languages. 3. In every language, sentence is the main grammatically shaped unit of the coherent speech, which distinguishes by its sense and intonation unity and communicational significance. |
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Name |
Peter Petrov, Progress Ltd |
Address |
Sofia, PC 1797, 4 "Andrey Lyapchev" Str |
Phone |
0887/8793300; 082/272436 |
Applicant's project at Promotor Plus Bulgaria 2003 |
System for emulsion burning of mazut with 10-12% water, or waste water-mazut emulsions The system is designed to effective and ecological burning of 10-12% water emulsion in mazut or other organic polluters, which purification is expensive and difficult. Principle of action: The water is dispersed finely and uniformly with an exactly determined diameter of the water drops in the mazut. From the high temeperature of the flambeau the water drops are splashing with blast, thus improving the process of burning. The mechanical alloys contained burn without a problem, and thus all organic substances turn into carbon dioxide and water. The scheme of switching on allows fast proceding to not-emulsed fuel. Conditions of exploitation: environmental temperature - 0-40 degrees Celcius, relative environmental humidity - up to 90%; emulsion temperature - 40-80 degrees Celcius. Services: periodical, monthly, profilactic. Work regime: manual, automatic.? |
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Name |
Rossen Miletiev |
Address |
1734 Sofia, Students' town, Bl. 54, entr.Á, app.304 |
Phone |
02/9652095 |
Applicant's project at Promotor Plus Bulgaria 2003 |
Hydrogen-peroxide fuel cells The fuel cell transforms the chemical energy of the hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) directly into electrical energy. The creation of the fuel cells have been dictated by the economic and ecological requirements in the recent years, when people render stricter account on the available energy resources, as well as keep the toxic norms of the outlet materials.In distinction with all existing methods and means for transformation of the chemical energy into electrical, the fuel cell possesses remarkable properties with respect to the environmental protection - no moving parts, it possesses high coefficient of usefullneess, as well as no toxic substances are being liberated.The peroxide fuel cells can be used not only independently, but as a functional complement to the conventional fuel cell for work in anaerobial conditions (underwater, in the cosmos), or in aggressive environments (mines, shafts). All of these properties determine its wide possibilities for application in the transportation, decentralized generation of electricity, as well some specific areas. |
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Name |
Sava Savov, Laboratory on Laser Technique at the Sofia University |
Address |
1164 Sofia, 33a "Galichitza" Str |
Phone |
02/688913; 02/8683324 |
Applicant's project at Promotor Plus Bulgaria 2003 |
Laser cutting system This is a high technological system with program management on the basis of 200W Nd:YAG impulse laser, designed to sharply gas-lase cutting of details from ferrous and non-ferrous metals with gauge of at most 2 mm. This equipment was introduced for manufacture in the Laboratoyr for Laser Technique. In the recent years more than 20 equipments have been produced for different companies, private predominantly. It turned out that this device found its market niche among the industrial manufacturing. It has no competitor in production of metal details with complex, small-sized, inward contour and with gauge in the mentioned range. It proved to be rather profitable to produce small and middle-sized series of complex details (in the range of 1 - 10 000 pieces) by means of the laser cutting systems. The technological regimen has properties close to these of the wasteless technologies. By this reason this device found many application: production of details for machines in the tailoring and textile manufacture; production of non-ferrous metal details for the jewellery and advertisement industries; pattern production; produciton of cutting instruments and medical and military equipment. |
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Name |
Stefka Tepavicharova, Institute of general and inorganic chemistry, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences |
Address |
1113 Sofia, "Acad. G Bonchev" Str, Bl. 11 |
Phone |
02/9793926 |
Applicant's project at Promotor Plus Bulgaria 2003 |
Cosmetic products "Sea stars" on the basis of stabilized Black Sea lye Cosmetic series "Sea stars" includes two seb-series of new natural products: 1. Tonic solution for body, and 2. Tonic face packs. Each of these sub-series consists of new products, developed in two variants: i) sea (thalasso-) therapy and aromotherapy; ii) sea (thalasso-) therapy and phytotherapy. The characteristical features are: own scientific and technological development, know-how, own production, possibilities for diversification of the production series, according to the clients' desire. |
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Name |
Victoria Mandova, TDP Group Ltd |
Address |
Plovdiv, 4 "St. N. Shishkov" Str. |
Phone |
0887/241595; 0888/606252 |
Applicant's project at Promotor Plus Bulgaria 2003 |
System for thermodiffusional zinc galvanization The project represents the organization and the performing of the service - laying of anticorrosional zinc layer in thermodiffusional method of pressed, forged, casted, mechanically treated articles from steel and cast iron with zinc saturating mixture in closed electrothermal furnaces. In this method of the anticorrosional treatment, the articles' anticorrosional protection is not only on the surface (as it is in the traditional methods of galvanization), but also in depth, from where the higher anticorrosional and abrasive stability of the cover layer. The latter repeates with maximal preciseness the surface of the article and its details (the carving and any other structural modification). It is possible to cover also assembled joints without breaching the joints' elasticity. |
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TDPGroup_presentation_BG.ppt (200 Kb) |
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Name |
Reny Mitkova, "Webgate" |
Address |
Sofia, 51 "Krivolak" Str |
Phone |
02/9631042 |
Applicant's project at Promotor Plus Bulgaria 2003 |
CoMobi CoMobi is a solution that allows instant direct connection between two mobile phones for secure and fast exchange of text, voice, music and pictures. The unique solution is end-to-end and provides real-time communication, combining the cost-effectiveness of the mobile messaging with the efficiency of voice. The "Push-to-Talk" feature of the products makes it highly efficient for end users while at the same time allows mobile operators to take full advantage by utilizing the capacity of their existing network. CoMobi adds flexibility, efficiency and security in communication and stands out with instant connectivity and user-friendliness, which stem from the innovative idea based on cutting-edge technology. The product is light and easy-to-use which shortens its time to market and ultimately contributes to gapping the digital divide. |
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