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case studies
                 Case Studies

The REGEBLab project takes into account the need for a public database for case studies about e-business/e-government in Bulgaria. Although many case studies are written (mainly in universities) there are only a few organizations in Europe which regularly and systematically collect case studies and make them publicly available.

In Bulgaria, the use of case studies as an effective knowledge-transfer instrument is not developed. There is a lack of studies of existing Bulgarian experience, as well as an available database in Bulgarian language of case studies in the areas of e-business/ e-government of other European countries.

In addition to making case studies available through well known distribution channels, knowledge of best practice in e-business / e-government must be channeled towards those parties in need of this information: Bulgarian SMEs. Most SMEs struggle with problems for which other SMEs have already found a solution. In order to make the average Bulgarian SME more competitive with the help of information technology, companies need easy access to real experiences.

Case studies approach
The case studies are structured in a standardized format. First, the company is introduced with its background, industry sector, products offered and customers targeted. This is followed by an explanation of the e-business vision and the company's strategy. The main portion of the case study includes a description of the solution (e.g. how the fulfillment process is being handled) and its implementation (the software application). The report concludes with an evaluation of the case study with regard to success factors.

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