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Workshop on Pattern writing

30-31 October 2009, Sofia


Introduce a group of academics to the opportunities for using Patterns for Knowledge Management. At the end of the workshop the participants will:

  • know what patterns are, and what the history of patterns is;
  • know how patterns differ from traditional academic approaches and how to reconcile the two;
  • appreciate the use of patterns to capture, store and communicate knowledge;
  • understand how, when, and why patterns are adequate to capture and convey knowledge;
  • know how patterns can be used in knowledge mining to identify and extract explicit and tacit knowledge;
  • understand the key elements of patterns and how they appear in different pattern forms;
  • have experience in pattern writing, and experience in feedback mechanisms to improve the pattern writing, shepherding and workshop review;
  • have the knowledge to continue working with patterns and to found a local pattern community.


  • Session 1: Introduction to patterns: history, uses, elements of pattern form, examples, reception in different audiences
  • Session 2: Brain storm possible pattern; participants draft patterns in pairs, guided by shepherds
  • Session 3: Discussion
  • Session 4: Shepherding and re-drafting the patterns
  • Session 5: Demo workshop with selected drafts
  • Session 6: Reflection, debrief and continuation of topics
  • Shepherding workshop: further discussion on the role and work of the shepherd plus practical exercises
  • Trainers workshop: deeper discussion of pattern topics and how they may be presented to students. To include reflection and debrief for the trainers.


  • Allan Kelly
  • Klaus Marquardt
  • Dietmar Schutz

Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski", FMI