The main goal of REKS project is to raise the awareness of Bulgarian society on the importance of researchers for building a knowledge economy and society in Bulgaria as part of the European ones.
In order to achieve the main goal, the following project objectives are defined:
• to facilitate the dialogue between different stakeholders in the economy and the society on the importance of researchers and the respective policy needs;
• to improve the appreciation of researchers in society and by young people in particular;
• to disseminate information regarding practical tools supporting the researchers career in Europe and in Bulgaria.
In order to meet the stated objectives and to reach wider Bulgarian audience, the project will be conducted by using multiple channels for information and awareness raising – information seminars in different cities in Bulgaria, special TV transmissions, interviews and publications in the mass media and a final national conference. In addition, a special survey on the state-of-the-art in researchers' profession will help to raise the awareness of policy making bodies and research administrations on some obstacles and good practices in the area, as well as to get a feedback from the public at large and highlight some factors which influence the researchers' career.
For the fulfilment of the project objectives will contribute also the involvement of the organisations representing the regional centres of the Bulgarian Network of Research Mobility Centres (RMC). This network is being established as Bulgarian part of the ERA-MORE – The European Network of RMC (ERA-MORE – The European Network of Mobility Centres, in the framework of the EC Communication ‘A Mobility Strategy for the European Research Area'. The project will be coordinated by the Sofia University, a national coordinator of the Bulgarian network of RMC. The project will go beyond the stated objectives and will also contribute to raising the awareness of Bulgarian society on the researchers' mobility initiatives, and will facilitate the more actively utilisation of the available tools supporting the researchers' career in Europe.