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Plenary session
К. Grigorov, MGFSME
Sofia Municipality policy of support for SMEs
Assoc. prof. Teodora Georgieva, Applied Research and Communications Fund
Innovations: BG 2010 (the main aspects of the Report)
Vihra Andonova, "South-East European Co-operation for financing and transfer of technologies" Project
Sharing of good European practices for successful entrepreneurship in the technology transfer
Panel session Science-business relationship for implementation of the EU innovation policy
Zlatina Karova, TTO at NIS, SU
Sharing experience of the TTO at NIS of Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski" from the annual meeting of TTOs in Europe, held in Barselona, Spain
Dr. Maria Stefanova-Pavlova, Managing Director
Innovative educational and certification schemes for SMEs
Rayna Karcheva
Meeting of the National group for support of the project "Cooperation in Southeast Europe for financing and technology transfer"
Kamen Mutafov
Qualification skills for second-hand sale
Plenary session 1 "European policy and practices for career and mobility of researchers"
Dr. Isser Peer, Director Research Authority, Bar-Ilan University
Academia-Industry, TT and cooperation - the Israeli experience
Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski", FMI