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  • Science Week - 20-29 September 2007
  • Researchers' Night 2007 in Sofia
  • Joint press conference
  • European Researchers Night 2007

    The REGGAE consortium organized in 2006 a Researchers" Night focused on researchers in Physics and Technology. The public opinion survey made in 2006 was carefully examined. The survey showed that the event was very successful and highly appreciated by the public and most people wanted Researchers" Night to become a regular “Fall rendez-vous” in their city with a lot of fun and interaction with researchers. Therefore, contacts to the local authorities were made for attracting them as co-organisers and promoters of the 2007 event. Following the public comments, it was considered that in 2007 should be carried out a more professional awareness raising campaign. The focus on selected scientific professions was considered as a good approach, and the consortium decided to emphasise in 2007 on another research areas, namely Archaeology and History. In addition, Marie Curie fellows and researchers who benefited from EU funding working on various scientific topics will be involved in the REGGAE activities.

  • Children competition

    The European Commission required under the call for Researchers' Night 2007, each project to launch, during the awareness campaign, a "drawing competition", entitled "Please draw a researcher" (Let's draw a researcher…). This competition should address:

    • Fundamental schools (age 6-12) (category 1)
    • Secondary schools (age 12-18) (category 2)
    • High artistic schools (category 3)

    Drawings will be collected by the organisers and an exhibition will be organised during the Researchers' night in the same location as this of the European stand.

    During the Researchers' night, the winners of each category will de designated and announced in the European stand. The drawings of the winners will be transmitted to the European Commission and take part in the European level competition, which will take place in the next autumn.

    European awards for the winners of each category will be granted during a specific ceremony, in the presence of Commission high level officials. The winners will be awarded an attractive prize and their drawing will be used as basis for promoting the European actions in favour of researchers under Framework Programme VII.

    More youth competitions on the cite of the Club Young Scientists

  • Music-poetry concert
  • Survey on researchers' profession
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