The network will comprise 3 different levels – central, regional and local institutional levels .
At the central level will function the bridgehead organisation at Sofia University which functions are given below .
The regional level comprises 4 regional RMC . The selection of the regional RMC will be based on the principle of an optimal geographic representation of scientific institutes and universities in the country. For this purpose Bulgaria is divided into 4 regions – North, East, South Central and South-West .

A separate centre is considered to be established for intersectorial mobility academia – industry .
The RMC have the task to provide directly or indirectly (by transferring to other competent institutions) comprehensive and up-to-date information and personalised services and assistance to mobile researchers and their families.
The main tasks of all RMC comprise information and services on the following issues :
- visa and entry conditions;
- work permissions and opportunities;
- salaries and taxes;
- pension rights, healthcare and social insurance;
- accommodation;
- childcare and education;
- language courses;
- culture of the receiving country;
- intellectual property rights.
The organizations within the Network of RMC will also have the tasks :
- to actively collaborate for the practical integration and organization of local centers in each region ;
- to ensure appropriate linkages between the members working at local level and the regional and national level institutions ;
- to provide assistance on all issues concerning the Network , e . g . the collection of comprehensive and reliable information for the internal mobility of researchers in the country and the international one .
The centers will be established from the hosting institutions with limited financial support within the project BulRMCNet . A condition for the selection of the RMC will be the willingness of the hosting institution to contribute for the establishment and maintenance of the RMC with its own means.
At local level will be established a network of focal points, representing different institutions in the region interested in researchers mobility. The focal points will contribute in the framework of their institution for researchers mobility and providing them the necessary information and assistance.
Functions and tasks of the bridgehead organisation
The bridgehead organization at Sofia University has the task to act as an interface between the European Network of Research Mobility Centres and the Bulgarian Network of RMC and to collaborate and exchange information with the members of these networks.
The RMC has the following main objectives:
- to collaborate with national institutions and organisations on issues related to ensuring:
- European standards for welcoming foreign researcjers in the country;
- validated information on issues of the mobility of researchers accessible through the National web portal;
- internationally accessible information on free positions for researchers.
- to ensure assistance to mobile researchers and their families directly or by transferring to other competent institutions.
- to contribute to establishing genuine mobility culture in Europe and in Bulgaria in particular .
Within its role as a bridgehead organization should fulfill specific tasks related to :
- to create, maintain and periodically update the national web portal and data bases for researchers mobility ;
- to ensure regularly updated information on legal issues and legal acts in force in the area of employment, international relations, finance, healthcare and social insurance, etc. through maintaining links to the respective ministries and state organs ;
- to follow the policy in various areas having direct impact on researchers mobility ;
- to provide positions and proposals to the respective political organs on the existing legal gaps with negative impact on the mobility of researchers ;
- to inform the respective experts and political organs on specific needs of the mobile researchers ;
- to maintain links to the statistic agencies and scientific institutions ensuring statistical data on mobility ;
- to coordinate the activities of the Bulgarian Network of RMC ;
- to contribute to dissemination of information and best practices among the members of the Network ;
- to stimulate the interactions among the members of the Bulgarian network of RMC ;
- to coordinate the work on creating and disseminating information packages, products and services for mobile researchers ;
- to carry out activities for awareness raising and training for provision of information and services by the members of the Bulgarian Network of RMC ;
- to provide organisational, technical and methodological assistance for setting up of regional RMC according to project BulRMCNet ;
- to provide assistance to the regional structures for developing the network at local level.