The project duration is 3 years following three development phases initiation, implementation and institutionalizing phase:

The initial phase comprises the following activities :
- Setting-up of RMC at Sofia University by month 6
- Developing of a National Research Mobility Portal by month 12
- Determining the regional RMC by month 6
- Training of the personal of the regional RMCand start of their activities by month 12
- Provision of a minimum set of services by RMC by month 12
During the implementation phase starting at the end of the first year will be carried out the following :
- Start of the exploitation of the Bulgarian Network of RMC by month 18
- Provision of a basic set of services by RMC by month 1 8
- Popularizing the Network at regional and national levels
- Establishment of a regional network of focal points and their training
- Setting up of detailed databases at the portal
The institutionalizing phase includes :
- Full development of the network and services for mobile researchers
- Reaching of a maximum wide audience
- Planning of activities for ensuring sustainable development of the Network after the end of the project
- Setting-up of an Association of RMC
For the realisation of the project objectives are foreseen 5 Work Packages :
- Work Package 1 : Setting up a Research Mobility Centre at the bridgehead organisation
- Work Package 2 : Establishment of the National Research Mobility Web-Portal
- Work Package 3 : Bulgarian Network of Research Mobility Centres
- Work Package 4 : Dissemination and exploitation
- Work Package 5 : Management and control
For the Project success will contribute the activities for training, awareness raising and dissemination of information.
There will be three-level training under the BulRMCNet project based on the principle train the trainers' whereas every higher level will train the level below. The training comprises:
- training of the personnel of the Bridgehead organisation self-learning, consultations, interviews, exchange of experience within ERA MORE;
- training of the personnel of the regional RMC 2 training seminars for work with the portal and the provision of information and services;
- training of regional focal points 2 training seminars in each region.
The concept of delivery of information and services to researchers and awareness raising comprises the following activities:
- Developing of a National Research Mobility Portal as a main tool;
- Direct provision of information and services by the RMC personnel;
- Indirect provision of information and services by directing to specialised agencies and organisations;
- Organisation of public events 2 work shops, 2 seminars academia industry, a final project conference
- Preparation and dissemination of information materials publication of a Guide for mobile researcher, preparation of leaflets and other printed materials and CDs.