Educational and Training Systems

Master of Science Programme
 ETSD booklet  
General Information
Programme Structure
Target Groups
Programme Delivery
Application Process
NL - University of Twente MSc Programme  ETSD
General Programme Information

The aim of the Programme is to provide training in modern approaches, based on both theoretical and engineering-type perspectives, to the systematic solution of problems in education and training systems. The Programme involves educational technology in its fullest sense.

Programme characteristics
A focus on the needs and situation of the individual participant through a highly flexible approach to programme completion, culminating in a Master's Project, which can be tailored directly to the workplace situation of the participant. The graduate will receive a Master of Science Degree from the Graduate School Twente (GST) of the University of Twente.

Regional delivery of the Master of Science Programme 'Educational and Training Systems Design' (ETSD) implies that the University of Twente (UT) maintains full responsibility for the content and the quality of the regional programme. In operational terms this means that student performance in each course will be monitored by a member of the teaching staff of the UT, who is responsible for the on-campus version of the particular course. This means that the teachers who teach the MSc Programme ETSD on-campus at the UT will be involved in the monitoring process for the regional programme that is delivered by Sofia University (SU). For the final projects, a member of the teaching staff of the Faculty of Educational Science and Technology at the UT has to chair the graduation committee of each students that graduates from the regional programme at SU. SU has sufficient staff members that are thoroughly familiar with the Programme. This was accomplished through training in the Netherlands: At least one person per specialisation that is offered in Bulgaria has been trained in the on-campus version of the Programme in UT. About fifteen teachers from the SU were graduated from the MSc Programme ETSD.

Apart from being the main administrative centre of the country, Sofia is traditionally a major cultural and educational centre of international attraction. The city is situated in the foothills of mount Vitosha - one of the country's national parks.

University of Twente, Faculty of Behavioural Sciences Sofia University, Centre of Information Society Technologies
The University of Twente (UT) was founded in 1961 in The Netherlands. It is distinguished by its commitment in bringing together Engineering Sciences, Applied Sciences and Social Sciences, both in education and research. The UT has an enrollment of approximately 6,000 students in 10 Faculties. One of them is the Faculty of Behavioral Science. The Faculty offers a four-year post-secondary programme in Educational Science and Technology given in the Dutch language with a profile similar to that of the Master of Science (MSc) Programme 'Educational and Training Systems Design'.  The Centre of Information Society Technologies is an interdisciplinary research and training institution of Sofia University, established on the foundations of the Department of IT, motivated by the challenge of supporting the development, introduction and wide use of information society technologies (IST). This challenge is addressed by performing high quality research on IST-based systems, on their user-friendly environments, and on design techniques and enabling technologies. IST Centre is designed as a flexible junction between the university, the academic community, SMEs, NGOs and policy makers, coordinating their efforts at spreading the overall use of and excellence in IST in the society.


University of Twente Sofia University
Faculty of Behavioural Sciences Centre of Information Society Technologies