Programme Structure
The programme consists of three main phases, the Introductory Module, the Core Phase and the Specialisation Phase. The introductory module lasts one week, and offers the student an initial orientation to the Programme. There are six core courses (CCs) that make up the Core Phase. The Specialisation Phase includes three elective courses, literature study and thesis writing. (Two main elements: theoretical focusing and thesis writing.)
Introductory module
The first week of the Programme, beginning of October, will start with a Welcome day, a tour of the Programme facilities and the campus area, and opportunities to meet informally faculty and staff. Introductory workshops are held on: (a) the Programme's teaching methods, (b) the Faculty's computer facilities, and (c) the use of the library and documentation facilities. During the Introductory Module, participants will have opportunities to familiarise themselves with the premises and facilities of the Centre of Information Society Technologies, the Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics, as well as the Sofia University and Sofia city.
Core Phase
The Core Phase consists of six fundamental courses, which must be successfully completed. These courses will be taught at the University of Sofia from beginning of October to the end of June next year, with one course taught at a time over approximately a six-week period. The approach to each of these courses will be similar: lectures, discussions, demonstrations, laboratory work and small-group discussions during morning or afternoon class sessions in weekends (total duration of 8 hours per week), with the remainder of the time (no less than 12 hours during the week) spent on self-study, working on assignments, and interaction with faculty and other participants.
Each Core Course is worth 3 so-called study points (SP). 1 SP equals 40 hours of workload. A course of 3 SP thus equals 120 hours of workload.
The courses have a modular structure. Each course contains 6 modules of 20 hours of study load (5 modules are devoted to course-work, the sixth module provides 20 hours of additional study time to complete the course's final assignment or to prepare for the final test). The modular structure facilitates tailoring courses to specific audiences and using a diversity of delivery methods.
Core Course 1:
Organisation and Management Perspectives on the Planning of Education / or HRD Theory
Core Course 1 provides a theoretical framework for analysing organisation and management problems either in education or in corporate training (depending on the participant's choice).
The course:
- Raises the central question how schools and corporate learning environments should be organised in order to optimise student learning and employee/staff training
- Provides a theoretical framework for analysing organisation and management problems in both E&T
School case:
- Module 1: Introduction: A Theoretical Framework for Planning for school organisations
- Module 2: Co-ordination, leadership and organisational goals in schools
- Module 3: Teacher's Role
- Module 4: Evaluation from a Theoretical Perspective
- Module 5. External factors and developments affecting schools
- Module 6. Final assignment
HRD case:
- Module 1: Orientation on HRD
- Module 2: SHRD and handling the politics
- Module 3: Managing the HRD function
- Module 4: Effectiveness of HRD
- Module 5: Managing the knowledge productive organisation
- Module 6: Final assignment
Study materials
- Harrison, R. (2000). Employee development. [S.l.]: Institute of Personnel and Development.
- Visscher, A.J. (Ed.) (1999). Managing schools towards high performance. Lisse: Swets & Zeitlinger.
- Other selected texts from journals and books will be collected in an annotated reader.
Core Course 2:
Models and Strategies of Curriculum Development
Core Course 2 provides an overview of different models, strategies, and procedures for the design, development, evaluation, and implementation of curricula in various educational and training contexts. The course also covers practical development tools and policy aspects in the domain of curriculum.
- Module 1: Curriculum Theory
- Module 2: Curriculum Development
- Module 3: Curriculum Implementation
- Module 4: Curriculum Evaluation
- Module 5: Curriculum Policy and Trends
- Module 6: Concluding Assignment
Study materials
- As a major textbook will be used: Marsh, C. & Willis, G. (1999). Curriculum: Alternative approaches, ongoing issues. 2nd ed. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Merrill.
- During the sessions also several hand-outs will be distributed.
Core Course 3:
Principles of Learning and Instructional Design
Core Course 3 provides an overview of instructional design (ID) strategies and tactics for the development of instructive environments, which foster the acquisition of skills and knowledge. The course programme provides models and rules for the design of instructive environments. Areas of study include:
- goal, content and task description;
- task analysis;
- the representation of content and tasks;
- the development of instructive strategies, instructive messages, examples and problems within situational constraints;
- features of the instructive environment and the choice of media related to type of knowledge and skills;
- delivery of instruction and conduct; and
- evaluation of learning outcome and transfer.
- Module 1: A General Description of the Instructional Design Process
- Module 2: The Analysis of Training Needs Design Process
- Module 3: ID Models for the Selection and Sequencing of Content
- Module 4: Developing Lessons and the Use of Media
- Module 5: Evaluating Instruction
- Module 6: Concluding Assignment
Study materials
- As a major textbook will be used: Smith, P.L. & Ragan, T.J. (1999). Instructional design. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice-Hall.
- During the sessions also several hand-outs will be distributed.
Core Course 4:
Instrumentation for Instruction and Training
Core Course 4 provides a theoretical basis for the use of instructional media. After completing this course, students are able to plan and conduct instruction that incorporates media. Throughout the course an integration of theory and practice is maintained. The students complete assignments for each module. These assignments are integral parts of the course's final assignment.
- Module 1: Introduction to Instructional Multimedia
- Module 2: Instructional Design and Media
- Module 3: Media and Media Selection
- Module 4: Interactivity and Feedback
- Module 5: Screen and Interface Design
- Module 6: Storage Formats and Technology
Study materials
- Fenrich, P. (1997). Practical guidelines for creating instructional multimedia applications. Orlando, FL: Harcourt Brace College.
- Selected texts and manuals from other journals and books will be distributed during the sessions.
Core Course 5:
Design Methodology for Education and Training Systems
Core course 5 is an interdisciplinary synthesising course on designing instruction for education and training. The course emphasises both theory and practice. Basis concepts of educational design as well as insights from the core courses 1-4 are combined with opportunities for practical application through educational problem-solving exercises and analyses of design case studies. The course addresses and integrates key-steps, elements and activities (analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation) that are found in various models of and approaches to educational design. Attention is also paid to project organisation and management as most educational and training design assignments are worked out in projects.
- Module 1: Theory and Policy
- Module 2: Planning
- Module 3: Curriculum Development
- Module 4: Design and Instrumentation
- Module 5: Project Organisation and Management
- Module 6: Concluding Assignment
Study materials
- Weiss, J.W., & Wysocki, R.K. (1992). 5-Phase project management. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company.
- A reader that contains carefully chosen readings on design for education and training systems;
Core Course 6:
Evaluation and Research as Tools of the Educational Technologist
Core Course 6 is a synthesising study of how to use research and evaluation methods in educational technology. An elementary review of quantitative and qualitative research methodologies and evaluation methods will be given.
- Module 1: Nature of Research, Causal Inference and Research Criteria
- Module 2: Description, Sampling and Measurement Problems
- Module 3: The Nature and Logic of Inferential Methods and Experimental
- Module 4: Learning SPSS
- Module 5: Inferences from After-the-Fact Studies, Longitudinal and Single-Case Studies
- Module 6: Concluding Assignment
Study materials
- Krathwohl, D.R. (1998). Methods of educational and social science research: An integrated approach. New York: Longman.
- Some research articles will be made available during the course
Specialisation Phase
The Specialisation Phase is the second and concluding part of the Master's Programme. The Core Courses must be successfully completed before the Specialisation Phase can formally begin.
The student will combine the completion of three Elective Courses with carrying out the Final Project, on the understanding that during the initial stage of the Specialisation Phase (July -November 2004, with a break in August), the time investment on the Elective Courses is emphasised. Subsequently, during the final stage (December 2004 - June 2005), completion of the Literature study and the Final Project will consume most of the available time.
During the Specialisation Phase the participant will be supported by a mentor. The mentor is a member of the teaching staff of the area of the chosen Specialisation. The mentor supervises the Final Project and advises the student with respect to the selection of the Elective Courses and the planning of the Specialisation Phase.
The participant chooses one of the six specialisation options: :shown below as his or her major focus. For each specialisation the available elective courses are offered in the brackets, namely:
- Training Systems Design for Human Resource Development (HRD) (The elective courses for this specalization are elected from the set of HRD-related courses that are offered in the specializations “Organization and Management”, “Curriculum”, “Instruction”, ”Instrumentation”, and “Evaluation”
- Curriculum (Available courses: Computer Supported Curriculum Development, Curriculum Policy and Implementation)
- Instruction (Available courses: Adult Learning and Instruction, Motivational Design of Instruction)
- Instrumentation (Available courses: Technology and Simulations, Technology and Web Applications, Telematics applications for Education and Training, Implementation of ICT and Telematics Applications in Education and Training)
- Organisation & Management (Available courses:The Learning Organization, HRD Consultancy, Management of School Improvement)
- Evaluation (Available courses: Cost Effectiveness and HRD Evaluation, Evaluation, Introduction to Psychometric Theory, Optimal Design of Achievement Test)
As the culmination of the Specialisation Phase (and equivalent to 15 SP or 600 hours of study load) each participant must carry out a literature review and project that concentrates on aspects of design relative to an educational or training problem in his or her own work setting. This approach aims at mutual benefits, both for the participant as well as for the participant's supervisor or employer. The project must include evaluative and reflective aspects, be grounded in a theoretical framework, and must relate to a stated design problem and an appropriate literature review. The project must be described in a thesis and defended before an examination committee.Supervision and individual monitoring are critical aspects of this phase, and are organised to provide appropriate and flexible support to the participants. Also in case the participant completes the MSc Programme through the part-time/distance option, some or all of the project work may be carried out in the participant's home/work setting. If so, arrangements must be made for regular electronic communication.Supervisory committees have to include someone familiar with the participant's work situation, in order to relate his or her design work to local circumstances. Here again, flexible arrangements will be made for the sharing of supervision. If products of some sort are developed as part of the project work, students will be asked to contribute a set of the products to the archives of the Master's Programme, in order to build a collection of reference materials for subsequent use within the Programme.